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1 Nov 20, 2008 19:50    

Hi! I encounter a challenge. May I know how to add other blog user to my blog, like a backlink. Like wordpress we can add user and when they do a post we will know. Please advise.

2 Nov 22, 2008 05:04

This is a good question but there's no way to know this - at least not through b2evo.

Wordpress and b2evo dont' talk to each other. They are not meant to do that.

However, you can set up an RSS aggregator that tracks yours and your friends' RSS feeds and aggregates them. Then you can have yours and his/her content show up on a single feed. Then you can customize that feed and make it look like you want it.

This is a tough one by the way. I've looked into it and it's not worth the time. It's better to use the RSS plugin (available in plugins section) and display the wordpress feed along the b2evo.

See our home page for a simple sample. We aggregate "Jesus In the Blogosphere" and use the RSS plugin. Works really well. has other features too. W''re just displaying the basic title but you can display full article.

good luck
plugin page:

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