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1 Nov 21, 2008 05:38    

My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x

By default, my site has some RSS and an Atom feed link in the sidebar. However, folks have informed me that the RSS feeder isn't working. Do I need to do anything to get this configured? Or is it supposed to work out of the box. I've also got a test site running the newer version of b2e and that one doesn't work either.


2 Nov 22, 2008 04:50

It's supposed to work out of the box. leave a link to your blog so we can check it out and test it.

That said, I would recommend you get a subscription at and centralize your subscriptions through there (you'll need to edit your skin to point to feedburner) but it's worth it.

check our site to see how that works from your blog/skin perspective or read feedburner's FAQ. really easy to do.

4 Nov 24, 2008 22:13

Thanks for link.

I don't know what's wrong it. Here's the error the other gurus in the forum:

XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity
Line Number 6, Column 1:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?><!-- generator="b2evolution/1.9.2" -->

5 Nov 24, 2008 22:27

Check /conf/_basic.config.php for whitespace ;)


6 Nov 26, 2008 05:25

Any particular part? There's not a whole lot going on in the _basic_config.php file. just the login variables and the baseurl really. The other stuff (table prefix, admin email, etc.) I've never touched

7 Nov 26, 2008 06:29

Well, I poked around with it a bit and I can't figure it out. Mind you I'm not a php expert but I do know when I hit the rss link, I can view source, save the source as an xml file and then open it in IE and the browser does have a problem displaying the xml there.

8 Nov 28, 2008 20:15

Anyone got any ideas? The wierd thing is my test site does the same thing. And the test site was a straight up upgrade of the database. No mods to the skins or anything.

9 Dec 02, 2008 18:14

Sorry for the delay.

Ok, you have blank lines at the top of your rss feeds AND your skin ... This is because you have blank lines in a file that's included before both of them ... I normally find those lines in /conf/_basic_config.php


The normal culprits are the start and the end of the file ... not all the gobbledy gook ( php's common name ;) ) in between

10 Dec 02, 2008 22:15

Well, I had a couple of line feeds at the bottom of the basic_config.php after the very last "?>" that I removed but that didn't do anything. Is there any other files that I should check?

11 Dec 10, 2008 19:43

Is the skin of those feeds already installed? Just asking, as I guess I had that same issue, and I solve it when the skins where installed.

12 Dec 16, 2008 09:49

I have to install something? Is it in the plugins tab? I looked there and I didn't see anything that looked like it needed to be install or anyting.

14 Jan 04, 2009 05:08

Ok, holidays are over and I'm still trying to fix this. Here's what I know.

All of the rss feeds are having issues, it's not isolated to a particular one, so I'm thinking that it must be some global setting. I've also noticed that when I view source there are 4 carriage return/line feeds before the <?xml version"1.0"?>. Would that be causing the issue? And if so where can resolve that?

15 Jan 04, 2009 05:13

One more thing, I was viewing the source on some of the regular pages and noticed that all of them seem to have 4 carriage return/line feeds before anything. Would that be causing the problem? Or am I just grasping at straws?

16 Jan 04, 2009 08:59

Check for whitespace in all your /conf/ files and any other files you may have edited


17 Jan 09, 2009 03:56

Well, that's my problem I think. I have no idea how to tell bad whitespace from good whitespace.

For example, pretty much all the conf files start with something like:

 * This is b2evolution's application config file.
 * @package conf
if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

$app_name = 'b2evolution';
$app_shortname = 'b2evo';

So there is whitespace there but is it causing a problem, well I have no idea. I've not really changed anything except the skins, and like I said before, the RSS feeds on my upgraded v2 test site has the same problems and I've not changed anything there.

I'm really at a loss here.

18 Jan 09, 2009 09:55

Whitespace ( the bad sort ) is anything that's not between <?php ?> tags. The fact that you have whitespace in your blog skin and in your rss feeds pretty much suggests that it's from one of the conf files.


19 Jan 25, 2009 02:16

Hooray, I finally fixed it. There were 3 line feeds at the bottom of the _advanced.php file that was causing the problem.

Finally fixed!

20 Jan 25, 2009 08:58

Was the problem caused by code you add or code you miss? Which what lines of code did you finaly solve it?

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