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1 Nov 21, 2008 07:31    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I've searched everywhere and I can't find anything that helps. I've also checked the online documentation and either I'm missing something or something has changed in the latest b2eve versions.

All I want to do is add a 'Spread Firefox' button to the top of one of my sidebars. I can insert the code okay, no problems there - I just can't figure out while .php file I should be editing or even where it is.

I really am on the verge of going back to Wordpress. It may not be as good or as good looking as b2evo, but it sure as dickens is a lot easier (for php idiots like me) to work with in the back office.

Cheers for any help.


2 Nov 21, 2008 08:03

OK, ignore me or feel free to call me an idiot. I figured out the 'containers' thing and all is okay.

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