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1 Dec 11, 2008 02:57    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I have a problem with someone trying to leave malicious comments on my blog, and I'm not quite sure how to deal with it. It seems that all of the anti-spam plugins are designed to ensure that a human is posting comments. But is there a way to stop humans who are trying to say nasty things?

Such as block comments that have swear words in them, especially racial slurs?

If someone would be able to point me to a solution relatively quickly, I would appreciate it. I am afraid that I have a tireless attacker who is using proxies to attack my site through leaving harmful comments, and I don't want to fall asleep and wake up to him having left a bunch of nasty messages.

Thank you in advance!


Edit: Sorry, version 2.3

2 Dec 11, 2008 03:11

I installed the basic anti-spam plugin, I guess the solution is to force people to register before commenting? Otherwise, I can't see an option that would help.

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