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1 Dec 15, 2008 08:32    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x


I know I just read a recent post asking about changing containers, but I am pretty sure this is a much different question.

I want all of my posts on the home page to be identical sizes. You can see an example of just what I mean on another site that I blog on at I want all my posts to look the same on the home page I am thinking about 250 pixels (for the main white portion of my posts at, plus the added on blue sections with title, date, and other info above and below.

Also, is it possible to set it to NEVER show a full size image or Google Ads on the home page posts - just a thumbnail wrapped by the starting text teaser of the post?

Thanks to anyone that might be able to help.
Gene :-)

2 Dec 15, 2008 09:25

Mostly sounds like stuff the CSS ought to be able to handle - not sure about limiting certain behaviours to just the home page though. Are you talking literally about the default 1st page of the blog, or all the blog pages where the posts are listed? I'm assuming you want normal behaviour once you drill into individual posts.

3 Dec 15, 2008 09:38

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the response. Yes, I want it to only be on the main page at so that i can list the 15 or 20 most recent posts and always have the page be uniform. Once you click on a post I just want it to go to a normal looking full page post.


5 Dec 16, 2008 00:29

Thanks again Chris. Getting the container to size was rather easy using that. Now I just need to figure out how to get the content of the container to size itself to the size of the container. It is still showing exactly as it was. It says to stop that from happening all I need to do is include a "overflow: hidden" command, but it was already set as that and isn't hiding things.

Gene :-)

6 Dec 16, 2008 06:31

worldblogosphere wrote:

Now I just need to figure out how to get the content of the container to size itself to the size of the container. It is still showing exactly as it was. It says to stop that from happening all I need to do is include a "overflow: hidden" command, but it was already set as that and isn't hiding things.

Gene :-)

Just curious, but what browser are you viewing it in?

After I put my last post up, it did occur to me that you'd need to manage the content somehow. I think you'll have to find a way of trimming the content text to a maximum number of characters and then drop a "read more" link at the end of it to take you into the post itself.

Of course, you only want to do all this for page 1 (or posts 1-20), with pages 2, 3, 4, etc behaving as normal (posts 21-xx). The detail of how you implement that starts to get a bit beyond my skill set there, as that's probaby going to have to be done in PHP, but I'm pretty sure the page 1 vs page 2+ stuff will have to go into your skin of choice - not so sure about trimming down the content. I'm at work at the moment, so can't look at the code to see if I can follow it through.

I'm hoping a more experienced voice will chip in here somewhere, as it sounds like a presentation option that would be of use to more than just yourself.

7 Dec 16, 2008 06:44

Hi Chris,

I am viewing it in Firefox 3.0.4 at the moment.

Actually I may have misspoke (or misunderstood what you had actually asked) slightly. I want the main page's content in these uniform containers. Then as I get more posts I would also like it on page 2, 3, 4 and so on. Then when someone clicks the post itself have it viewed normal. So essentially I would say have it this way on all the pages with lists of posts.

Gene :-)

8 Dec 16, 2008 08:13

Ah! That makes the problem much simpler. Now all you have to do is think about cutting down the size of the content to fit in the pre-sized container.

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