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1 Jan 04, 2009 21:01    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

OK, I feel like I'm missing something truly obvious here, so apologies advance (I have, at least, searched the forums and the docs for several related keywords).

I'm trying to do something seemingly simple - create a new post of type "page". Basically, I'm after the very same thing that the original "Blog A" has for the two "About" pages. I want something that stands by itself, is menuable, and can be easily edited within the b2e environment. I can not, however, figure out how to make one from scratch. The "create static page" appears to be something different, and I don't see any option to select the type of post when making new posts.

So, the root question: If I want to create another "About" page just like those already existing in the Blog A example - how do I do it?

Thanks in advance.

2 Jan 04, 2009 21:06

OK, so I knew I was being an idiot. The first #$@% times I looked at "Expert", I didn't see the type setting there - now I do. Situation solved.

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