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1 Feb 02, 2009 21:42    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I am running multiple blogs on one server, and - as many others here are expressing - I am having trouble that the cookie set for the main domain just arent valid for the subdomains.

I found [url=]this function[/url] for rewriting the




, this little dot being said to make the cookie valid also for the subdomains. The script is written for Kohana, and to be true, there are a couple of years since I was a master in this universe, and that vas Java and ASP.

So I have two questions.

Would this simple .htaccess rewrite work? And if so - what is invalid in the following argument?

$cookie_path = preg_replace( '#https?://[^/]+#', '', $baseurl );
$cookie_path = substr($cookie_path),strpos($cookie_path, '.'), 100;

Can't believe it should be so difficult to get a cookie valid for a couple of subdomains!!!

I have done a little research in the [url=]b2Evo Multiple Domains[/url], and this codes comes up:

Otherwise, in order to make your cookies, especially the SessionCookie, available across all your subdomains, you could explicitly set
$cookie_domain = '';

It seemed like a good idea, so I tried it. Checking the cookie - it is actually '', but that doesn't help me across subdomains... Losing my patience here... Help!

Lastly - this code is said to be included in the apache2.conf-file. I have an apache system, but where is this apache conf-file residing? Cant it find it nowhere it is supposed to be!

Sorry. I was a young programmer when the IT-bubble burst. Now I am doing something completely different :)

 <VirtualHost *>
       ServerAlias *
       UseCanonicalName Off
       DocumentRoot /home/mydomain/www
       DirectoryIndex index.html index_multi.php

2 Feb 02, 2009 22:29

Ok. I just made it. Flicking around in settings for the last 4 hours, I finally uncommented a little strange code-snippet in basic_config.php

// Use the following if you want to use the current domain:

if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) )
{	// This only works if HOSt provided by webserver (i-e DOES NOT WORK IN PHP CLI MODE)
	$baseurl = ( (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off' ) ) ?'https://':'http://')

And suddenly everything worked.

Strangely enough, I had to log into the different subdomains, but at least the cookie-information finally stuck!

Thank god. And good night :)

PS: I will report back if this leads me into another mousetrap.

3 Feb 03, 2009 16:01

Keep reporting ;)

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