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1 Feb 09, 2009 11:46    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

When i try to upload files i get the following message "An unknown error occurred when moving the uploaded file on the server."

The following file permissions where set when entering file managment:

* The user's directory «media/users/admin/» has been created with permissions 775.
* The blog's media directory «media/blogs/blog/» has been created with permissions 775.

Can anyone help?

2 Feb 19, 2009 07:34

Hi bldninja. If I could offer you better advice I would, but really I hate to see a user not get an answer. So here I am answering without a good answer...

Have you used the search feature to search the forums for something like "unknown error occurred"? because possibly others have had your problem and found resolution. Observing that your server was capable of creating user and blog specific folders is a good sign, but still a search might help you find the key to getting this working on your server.

Best of luck with this, and please don't hesitate to follow up with more questions.

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