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1 Feb 10, 2009 18:18    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I'm stumped -- please help.

Under Global Settings, files, I have my bloggers set up so they can upload files to their allowed roots. I also have both default folder and file permissions set to 777

Only problem is when I try to upload a file I get a permissions error.

When I go direct to my server and look at the files through my plesk control panel, I see the blogg/username directory and it permission is set to 777 with user=apache and group=apache.

Now if I delete or rename that directory and create a new one of the same name in plesk and set permissions to 777, I can then go into b2evelution and upload my files without error.

The only difference I can see, is that on the directory I created in plesk the user=myaccountname and group=plesk

Even though this work-around works, It's a royal pain in the *** to have to go to the server and make these changes every time I sign up a new blogger.

Any thoughts?????

Thanks in advance,

2 Feb 10, 2009 18:28

Just in case it's the bloody obvious, users need to be level 2 ( or is it 3 ? ) or above to upload files.

Not that I expect it to be the bloody obvious, but just in case ;)


3 Feb 10, 2009 19:25

Thanks for the suggestion, ¥åßßå, but that didn't seem to make any difference.


4 Feb 12, 2009 20:58

Can anyone help with this problem? Do I need to explain it differently (in more detail)?

5 Feb 12, 2009 22:18

You might want to talk to your host about why this isn't working correctly. I've never had to mess with the default permissions on "Global settings -> Files", but I did used to have to make /media/ and /media/blogs/ (and /media/users/ but I always disabled user folders) be 777 to get uploading to work. Oh and at some point the bloody thing was so jacked up I didn't even try through the Files tab - I uploaded via FTP and b2evolution found the images so I could insert or link that way. Eventually the risk associated with setting your permissions to 777 became painfully obvious to me, and my host fixed it with SuPHP (whatever that is).

At this point I've no problem with uploading with all my folders and back office settings being whatever they default to. This is true on 2 servers I get to play on, using v246. So yeah I'd be talking to the host and then evaluating if they are the right host for you or not.

6 Feb 16, 2009 16:06

Thank you Ed! I'll take it up with my provider.

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