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1 Feb 21, 2009 21:28    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I'm going from 1.9 to 2.4.6 and I've run into some unexpected problems that I'm not sure how to troubleshoot. I had the blog working with two blogs & a combined blog.

Here are the symptoms:
1) when displaying one of the separate blog posts a blogroll shows all the names of the posts to the other blog. There is no blogroll displayed in the other blog.

2) the index blog/combined blog has no posts. I get "Sorry, there is nothing to display..." message.

3) Although, I uploaded my media file many, but not all, of the images in the blog posts fail to show up in the blog posts now.

My site runs off MySQL 4.1.22-standard-log

I'm hoping that there is an easy fix or that someone can send me in the right direction to start putting things back in order.

2 Feb 21, 2009 21:39

Hi chiton. Welcome to the forums!

A link to your blog might help, but some of this is easy. Like for example I'll bet your blog #1 is the blog that used to have all the posts and now doesn't. That is because in v2.* you can make any blog be an aggregator blog, and #1 doesn't automatigally do it anymore. So go into your Blog settings tab then pick that blog then either Features or Advanced subtab until you find something for "aggregate blogs". There put in the blog numbers you want to aggregate. Probably 2,3 but it depends on which blogs you are aggregating.

The other bit about a blogroll showing up is *probably* due to having a linkblog widget in one of your blogs. What used to be "hack in something in the skin" is now "add widgets to containers in skins". So again go to your Blog settings tab, pick the blog you're trying to clean up, then click the "Widgets" subtab. Hopefully it'll make sense, but basically the stuff above and alongside and below your blog post area is broken up into containers, and containers hold widgets. So look for a container named "Sidebar" and see if any of the widget names make sense. Most of 'em do.

Can't help you with the images without a link to a specific situation.

Good luck!

3 Feb 21, 2009 22:00

thanks edb,

I'll try your suggestions and go from there.

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