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1 Feb 28, 2009 07:30    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I have just recently switched to b2evolution, from MT. I was able to figure things out pretty quickly, but I am still having trouble with adding a "reading list" to my sidebar.

I've done a lot of searching and the way I understand it - "Post List" widget is meant for that. But it seems not to be working the way I thought it would (I understand that the Post List widget is what Sideblog plugin used to be).

What I have done is created a separate blog, called Reading List, and activated the Post List widget on my main blog sidebar (using the Reading List ID). A post in the Reading List blog is simply code that comes from evoAmazon plugin (image, link and the title of the book under the image). Very simple. When I view the Reading LIst blog, everything seems fine, but when I look at the main blog, all that is displayed (using the Post List widget) are the post titles.

Am I missing something? Is it possible to change the code to include the body of the post, not the titles?

I have seen this done using b2evolution, but it seems that it was done using the Sideblog plugin, which is supposedly replaced by Post List widget in 2.4.6. I have also come across a hack ("image list" widget: but it is not working with evoAmazon (or I don;t know how to make it work).

It seems it should be pretty straight forward, but it is just not working for me. Any ideas?

Thanks for your help!

2 Mar 01, 2009 02:55

Hi flekka. Welcome to the forums!

So yeah the post list widget doesn't do much beyond list post titles and link to them. Dunno what the Sideblog plugin used to do but I'm guessing a bit more than that eh? The "image list" thing you linked to is VERY limited in scope: it assumes you have used the "make image as post" feature and want a thumbnail of that image in your sidebar. What you want is very different ... and really probably quite easy.

So evoAmazon gives you some code right? Try popping that code in a "Free HTML" widget and placing that on your sidebar of your main blog.

Lots of the core widgets don't do half what they should. That's sad. awww :'( But hey maybe one day they'll be really smart so maybe we've all got something to look forward to! yay! :D

3 Mar 01, 2009 20:12


thanks for your reply!

I actually made it work yesterday, it is, well, a bit of a hack, not like I would want it too, but it works. Hopefully it will not break once the new version of b2evolution is out.

I was trying to get Sideblog plugin (originally created by personman - working even though the b2evolution plugin page did say it was obsolete. I was getting an error, and then I saw this thread: Reading through it I saw that hemeac posted his version of the plugin - he actually made it into a widget - and that worked for me. He added various options - to include/exclude title, post content, author, etc). Exactly what i needed!

What is confusing is that it seems (from the thread) that personman included this code and made it part of b2evolution 2.3.0 (the thread is actually 'solved') - it does not have any specifics but I assumed it became the Post List widget. But the Post List widget does not do the same (as you know). If it is based on the Sideblog widget by hemeac, why strip all the options and have it display only titles? Isn't that basically the same as Linkblog?



4 Mar 01, 2009 20:19

Not really the same as linkblog. Linkblog needs something in the "link to URL" field ... although there are settings that can make the linkblog bits link to the post itself instead of the actual URL you want it to go to.

Post List doesn't need or expect something in the "link to URL" field. It always links to the post's permalink page.

Yeah unfortunately lots of groovy stuff went by the wayside with the generational jump from 1.* to 2.* versions. Most stuff is way cooler now, but some really slick stuff is just gone.

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