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1 Mar 10, 2009 15:04    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x


So far I've tried many different blog engines and until now b2evo is the only one the really suits my needs from an administrative point of view.
I am planning to set up a blog for multiple users. Some of the users that are supposed to write posts have very little pc experience, so i am trying to keep things as simple as possible. In fact i would like to keep them out of the admin area all together. That's why I need to find a way for letting them write post directly from the blog page. I am already using the sidebar login for this.
Now I was wondering if there is a way to integrate a form for creating new posts into the sidebar like the “Quickpress widget” for Wordpress.

2 Mar 10, 2009 17:30

Hi tomperator,

Welcome to the forums.
We're thinking embedding such a feature in the forthcoming 3.x series of B2evolution. Especially developer ¥åßßå has some bright ideas on this matter.
Now you're stuck with 2.x. Note that a Blogger (not the Admin) has access to only a subset of the Dashboard. That looks much cleaner. Also less experienced users like the TinyMCE WYSIWYG plugin.

Good luck.

3 Mar 10, 2009 17:59

Heh, I actually have a plugin for this :p

Unfortunately it also highlighted a few flaws in the cores triggers :-S

If you want to play with it then go login to my blog and hit the ugly "testing" button ... you'll soon find the flaws ;)


4 Mar 19, 2009 19:27

After a bit of research on b2evo-plugins i finally decided to make a widget myself.

It actually proved to be quite easy. I simply made a form that posts it's data to the admin.php. I don't know if that is a safe way to do it, but it works fine. I also added an image uploader based on swfuploader that automatically adds all the necessary html to include the image in the post. The only thing I'm still missing is a way to get the media directory of the current blog so that the image can be save to the correct location.

5 Mar 20, 2009 18:47

	 * Get the blog's media directory (and create it if necessary).
	 * If we're {@link is_admin_page() on an admin page}, it adds status messages.
	 * @todo These status messages should rather go to a "syslog" and not be displayed to a normal user
	 * @param boolean Create the directory, if it does not exist yet?
	 * @return string path string on success, false if the dir could not be created
	function get_media_dir( $create = true )


Remind me to send you a copy of my plugin to play with, I've approached this from a totally different angle which may help you

6 Mar 20, 2009 18:57

i am looking forward to that thing as well.. hope it will be available soon.. another way to keep users from admin area and let them easily write posts is using external software like BlogJet etc.. you might want to consider that option too

7 Mar 20, 2009 18:59

It's easy enough to do, but there's a couple of misplaced core hooks that kinda screw the whole experience :-S


8 Mar 20, 2009 19:05

@ ¥åßßå:
that was rather obvious :), i should have thought of that myself.
but thanks for the help anyway. my plugin is doing everything i want now, but i'm still interested in other approaches to the problem.

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