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1 Mar 22, 2009 21:41    

So far I am able to have a post in a blog automagically create a post in a phpbb2 forum, so technically I'm done. But it doesn't handle bbcode or html and it doesn't include the permalink from the new blog post so it's got a long way to go eh?

For now though I'm curious about the message you get when you ping an actual ping site. For example when ping-o-matic yells at you to "slow down cowboy" if you ping more frequently than 5 minutes. I reckon that has to come from the site you're pinging ... but I'm simply cheating and using the ping bit to talk to a forum.

I assume this code from _ping_b2evonet.plugin.php is what makes the return message show up in green after the post is published:

$result = $client->send($message);

$params['xmlrpcresp'] = $result;

So I tried using

	$params['xmlrpcresp'] = 'Woop Woop! The forums have a post pointing to this post.';

but it didn't work ... all I got was that it was trying to ping my new new plugin (gray background) and no response to that effort.

Pinging Auto-Forum-Post...

I'd like it to say that it was successful ... even though I use $this->msg 'whatever', 'error' and return false if any of the database bits fail. In other words nothing in red means it succeeded but the casual user won't know that. Any helpful hints?


Meanwhile I'll try to get stuff like the blogger's name and the permalink and maybe even a snippet of the blog post into the forum post. And OMG I'm going half mad trying to keep track of which app I'm posting in!

2 Mar 22, 2009 21:48

Also is there a way I can have this on by default instead of visiting "Blog settings -> pick a blog -> Advanced" and turning it on?

3 Mar 22, 2011 15:53

That is what i am doing unfortunately when i send the Response it is giving me the unexpected RPC response I was able to trace the message back and the response is what is causing it to occur

Is your response occuring in the same server process as the group plugin? combat by default

4 Mar 22, 2011 17:27

Finally got enough posts under your belt for the spammy links to kick into gear, huh? ;)

Better upgrade your server for all the new traffic headed your way. :roll:

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