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1 Mar 25, 2009 14:57    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Under b2evolution tool bar, The first is "Home" link,
how do i change the Home link direct to my blog index page?
it is current directing to other site.

:roll: :roll:

2 Mar 25, 2009 16:53

That points to your installation's $base_url, or more accurately a variable called "$home_url", so if you want it to point to something else you will have to edit /skins/ around lines 99 & 104 (in v246). They currently should look something like this:

			echo '<a href="'.$home_url.'">b2evolution '.get_icon('dropdown').'</a>';
			// Note: if <strong></strong> is inside of the link, rollover fails in IE7
				echo '<li><a href="'.$home_url.'">'.T_('Home').'</a></li>';

Notice the two times it has


? Good. So change that to be the full URL of your dreams. Something like


for example.

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