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1 Apr 04, 2009 21:20    

That is, the one that you had in the compose window.

I know I can go to "Posts/Comments", click on "All", look for the post I am trying to delete, and click "Delete". But when I enter the Dashboard, I always have a list of "recently edited" posts with their titles, and I don't know the content or date of them. So, the quickest way to see if they are to be published or deleted is to edit them. In previous versions of b2evo, when editing the post, I had a "Delete" button right there: I could click it and voilĂ ! Now, I have to go search for the post in the post list, which takes some time, because I have to go to the date of the post, which frequently is some weeks ago.

It's not certainly a bug, mind you. I call it a feature request, or more precisely, a "feature return request". Or, colloquially, a "please give me back my cherished feature request". ;)

2 Apr 04, 2009 22:29

Umm. I'm using the 3.1.0 Beta and, when editing a post, there is a Delete link just above the right side panel on the edit screen.

3 Apr 05, 2009 06:55

Oooh! Yes, it's right there. It's just an icon now so it's easy to miss. It was a full-blown button before, located in the main button strip ("Save", "Files", etc), but it's there. Thanks for pointing me to it!

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