...which will override the back office setting?
I have a multiblog problem on my hands.
I am creating a template for several blogs on one page, using the multiblogs.php and noskin.php templates as my guides. I've had luck so far customizing tamplates, but I don't doubt my multiblog attempt is a little crude.
The issue is that the main blog (or whichever one comes first) dictates the "posts per page" of the rest of the blogs.
So, for instance, while I want the main blog to display only one per page (the "feature section"), I want the second blog to display many, and the third some middle amount. But since the first blog is set to 1 post per page , I only get one post of the second blog. Contrawise, if I were to use a blog set to 10 posts per page, then the blog I only want to show one will show all.
I figure there's something I can put in the template to make this easy...
you can sorta see what I mean [url=http://mostmodernist.com/blogjam/blogs/multiblogs.php]here[/url]
thanks for the helps!
multiblogs.php :
Change $posts to the number of your choice ;)