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1 May 21, 2009 22:28    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I started [url=]Blog Diyiin Bi[/url] a few weeks ago, and put it in a subdirectory of my soon-to-be-commercial website, I also own the domain name, and think that the .org TLD would be a better choice for the blog.

My questions are:

I. Would it be better to:
A. Move the blog and put a redirect in the old location
B. Put a redirect in the new location temporarily while advertising the new location (and for how long?)
C. Scrap the old blog entirely and start all over :(
D. Mirror the blog on both domains 8|
E. Something else...?

II. What about atom/rss feeds that others subscribe to in each of the options above?

III. How will moving the blog/changing its domain name affect the search engine rankings? Will it essentially be like starting all over again?

I could leave a redirect in the current subdirectory as long as the blog and the planned commercial site are both up (or still planned... :D )

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

2 May 21, 2009 22:39

Duplicate the blog in the new home. Make a post in the old blog saying you are moving to the new home. Now stop using the old blog.

If you really REALLY want to worry about traffic that will eventually happen anyway, you could always edit each post in the old blog and make it a redirect to the same post in the new blog. Dunno if 2.4.5 had that feature or not. But hey ultimately why worry? A post saying you moved after you duplicate content, then wait a couple of weeks and delete everything from the old blog. Search engines and people will find you.

3 May 21, 2009 22:42

a) yes
b) no
c) depends on age, may also change answers to 1 & 2 to "no"
d) no, think "duplicate content" and the fact that you have to avoid that because google with all it's millions of dollars would rather penalise you than sort it's algorithms out ;)
e) just move your blog to where you feel is best and let the rest of the world catch up ;)
I ) ... or not I)
II) how many subscribers do you have?
III) they're bots "a != A" .. see II

Bite the bullet, better to kill a "few weeks ago" worth of links that to come to the same conclusion years down the line huh? ;)


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