1 gmanfsu May 21, 2009 19:25
3 gmanfsu May 21, 2009 20:03
Helpful just to know that it got e-mailed to someone rather than being lost forever.
whoo? Can you reply and let me know if you think my post was spam?
I'm new here, so I'm not up to date on all the rules/regs of the board, but I don't think a request for help, for which I've offered to compensate if it's too complicated to be done gratis, should be considered spam...
4 yabba May 21, 2009 20:10
you have to remember that spam filters are just computers ;)
if you don't get any joy by tomorrow ( gmt ), then nudge me ;)
5 edb May 21, 2009 21:03
Sometimes a key word to an antispam filter can be used with a totally different meaning, so the author easily goes "WTF?". For example "My webhost said it couldn't be done but I wasn't buying that answer" MIGHT trigger an antispam filter for the word 'buying'.
I had someone contact me via email because I use the same filter on a forum I run. I had to tell that person "sorry but it is gone" because I found that the database tables grew so large with blocked messages that it would no longer load the admin side. I suggested the person write 2 posts in 5 days (the limits I set on my forum) then the spam filter would never bother him again. He never replied or posted anything. Weird eh? Like, you want to sell something, so you join a topically related forum and write up a post, but you get blocked so you contact the admin, then totally drop it when told what the blockage was and how to get around it.
(not helpful I know, but if you reply and whoo can't recover the post you'll be closer to getting past the filter ;) )
6 gmanfsu May 22, 2009 01:24
Man, I really hope it hasn't been deleted. It took me 30 minutes to write it in the first place.
7 edb May 22, 2009 13:55
gmanfsu wrote:
Man, I really hope it hasn't been deleted. It took me 30 minutes to write it in the first place.
I don't know if that means you type slowly or wrote a lot, but if you wrote a lot you might consider breaking it into bits. Like, instead of "this is the stuff I'm looking for help with" break it into "First thing I want to get done is ...". Quicker for you, much easier for us, and one day will make it easier for someone else to find via search.
It gets emailed to whoo
I'm guessing you run IE if pressing "back" didn't bring up your post
Without seeing the content of your post it's a smidge hard to say what sparked the spam filters off in your individual case.
Not helpful I know, but about all I can tell you