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1 May 22, 2009 04:49    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

The hosting company has finally moved my domain to a php 5 server. b2evo works fine except for the rss permalinks.

The link to the full post from Google Reader and the Zebrafeeds-aggregator for example is wrong (the & before more=1 is missing)

while the SimplePie-aggregator produces the correct link:

Is b2evo 1.10.2 not php5-compatible?

(In case you ask why I still use the outdated b2evo-version, it's because of the skin that is not compatible with b2evo 2.x

Thanks for your help!

2 May 22, 2009 14:20

I don't know the answer to your question, but since your skin is a modified 'clean' and 'clean' was just a CSS-tweak of 'custom' you can probably upgrade to 246 with only minor workings.

Best method to try: copy your database and files so you have a fully functional copy of your blog. Change the bits in conf/_basic_config.php of course. Now upgrade the copy to 246 and select the 'custom' skin for all blogs. Now put your css file in the custom skin for the copy. See how close you are. All the bits and baubles that go in the sidebar ... MOST of them anyway - are now handled as widgets in containers. That means basically no editing of the index.main.php file will be required. OTOH details of how each post is presented would still be handled by editing that file, but the details inside will look very similar to what you currently have.

3 May 22, 2009 14:29

Thanks EdB for your helpful instructions. Yes, the best thing to do is to upgrade, I'll have a try now or during the weekend.

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