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1 May 22, 2009 23:23    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

OK, per EdB's advice, I'm going to break these out for what I'm trying to do, can't accomplish, and am having trouble understanding the FAQ's, tutorials, etc.

Where do I change the colors and fonts for everything? I'd like to change my background color, font color, title font, title font color, etc., for everything on the page. Is there one file where I can make the required changes? How do I know what I'm changing?

Also, any help in getting from RGB colors to Hex? Actually, looks like b2evo is using abbreviated hex? Only 3 letters after the #? What's that?

2 May 22, 2009 23:48

The internet is full of fantastic CSS and Editor resources. I suggest you dive into them.

All font's, colours, dimensions and sizes are controlled by your css files.
Depending on what skin your using the main css file is usually style.css. That css file also links to and loads other related css files.

Re colours You can write #fff; or you can write #ffffff; you can write #ffe; or you can write #ffffee etc etc.
Might I suggest that you spend some time at

Can I also suggest that you link to the site your working on so help can be more specific.

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