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1 May 22, 2009 22:45    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

OK, per EdB's advice, I'm going to break these out for what I'm trying to do, can't accomplish, and am having trouble understanding the FAQ's, tutorials, etc.

In v2.4.5, I have a banner I've designed in Photoshop at 1200x250 and saved as a .png file.

But I don't see anywhere in the style.css or index.main.php that refers to this banner in order to change where it's pointing to the file I've uploaded.

I'm sure it's ridiculously simple, but I can't figure out where to set up this banner as the main thing at the top of every page on the site (which is why I assumed it was in the style.css file, plus I thought one of the guides said so...)

Any help?

2 May 23, 2009 00:48

Depends on the skin you are using. Since I'm guessing at 'custom' since it doesn't use a header image it (of course) won't call for one in the style sheet. I think you'll need to edit the style sheet to use your image as a background image. So the thing to do is kinda copy what you see in a different skin with a header image. evopress uses one, so that would be a place to look for details on how.

3 Jun 18, 2009 20:19

A very easy way to add a banner to skins like "custom" and other skins who don't use banners in their default design. I'm surprised this is ever mentioned in SET UP INSTRUCTIONS since MOST people want to use banners!

In the folder "skins", look for the page "" and open it with a text editor like Notepad.

(At the very bottom you see the following comment)

<!-- Start of skin_wrapper -->

(After this comment, copy and paste the code below, then change the file name of the image to yours and change the parameters to your own. Make sure the image you use for your banner is in the folder "img".)

<p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="img/MY-BANNER.jpg" alt="MY Blog" width="800" height="150"></a></p>

4 Jun 18, 2009 23:02

Interesting... I suppose some folk would want to use an image, but others might want a background image and still others might be into no image.

Anyway another easy solution is to use the "blog logo" widget :)

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