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1 Jun 08, 2009 22:07    

My b2evolution Version:

Hi all :-) been a long time, I hope I'm still remembered.

Anyway, I'm planning to pimp out my CMS with a few new features and prepare it for licensing soonish. One of the area of features to be added is blogging.

With this, I have 3 directions:
1. Create my own blogging engine for the CMS.
2. Use wordpress.
3. Use b2evolution.

1 would be the best choice for integration, but in terms of maintenance it would be tricky.
2 & 3 are worth exploring, as perhaps they provide a better solution.

I am wondering what b2evolution's or wordpress's (if anyone knows) support for integration with a 3rd party CMS is. In terms of:
1. User Synchronization.
2. API for integration.

For 2, this can go two ways, interface is already provided and can just be included through an API (eg. for creating posts) OR the interface must be developed with the actions going through the API.

Any knowledge would be appreciated. Hope you are all going well.

2 Jun 10, 2009 13:54

AFAIK you can use the ldap plugin, open id, or use the various hooks for the user bit.

There is no real API for b2evo though (no idea if WP has an API you could use ) so you'd either need to code your own or just code the whole blog engine yourself.


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