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1 Jun 11, 2009 11:00    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

In a fit of pique, I deleted all my blogs. What is the best way to recreate a '0' blog which shows all categories?

2 Jun 11, 2009 11:10

By '0' blog do you mean a blog that aggregates some other blogs?

If so then in the 2.x series any blog can be an aggregator blog. Create the blogs you want on your site and for the blog you want as the aggregator blog go to Blog Settings -> Advanced tab and on there you will see a section called 'Aggregation'. In the field called 'Blogs to aggregate' type the id's of all the blogs you want to display.

Hope that answers your question ????


3 Jun 11, 2009 11:12

Pretty easy really: just create a new blog then tell it you want to aggregate all other blogs into it. er... but since you have no other blogs it'll already get everything because it is the only blog. I'm confused.

What happened to your posts when you deleted all your blogs?

BTW there is no '0' blog. Any blog can be an aggregator blog, meaning it will show all posts in all categories from whatever blog(s) you tell it to aggregate posts from. The idea of an automatic aggregator blog went away when v2.* came out.

4 Jun 11, 2009 11:12

Great minds think alike ;)

6 Jun 11, 2009 11:58

Great. Thanks. One more thing: what is the best way to exclude a blog. I want to exclude the default blog.

7 Jun 11, 2009 12:49

Exclude from what?

Hey is this a new installation? If so did you read through all the sample posts? If you didn't I suggest you re-install and read them as they contain a lot of information about the application.

8 Jun 11, 2009 13:09

I read the entries and got into a mess when for some reason a whole section of the page just disappeared. I worked back to the point where it was simpler to delete all the existing blogs.

This is my first play about with b2evolution. I'm more than happy to learn. What I am trying to find my way to is how to display the list of categories from blog2 in the sidebar of blog1, the default blog, without displaying the categories of blog1 in the list.

I have come across two suggestions in the forums regarding some coding, but I am not sure that they are compatible. So I would like to know if, as I understand the way things work, there is a neater way to do it.

All references to the issue I came across in the forums referred to an aggregator blog.

And there you go. Blog1 is excluded by its absence.

9 Jun 11, 2009 14:29

Ah okay that'll be a bit tricky I think. The "categories" widget doesn't have a way to pick the blog that the categories will come from - it assumes the cats for the current blog (plus any aggregated into the current blog).

Way back in the v1.* days blog #1 was always an aggregator blog, so it is possible some of the stuff you've found in the forums refers to the good old days.

Anyway the idea of "cats from a different blog in the sidebar without aggregating posts from that other blog" is gonna be tricky. Let's hope someone comes along who knows how to get 'er done in v2.4.6/7 while I get a bit of sleep and think if there is a reasonably easy way to outsmart the core.

10 Jun 11, 2009 14:55

Yes. Just did some further messing about, tentative at this time of night, and blog1 won't find its own posts without being listed to aggregate. I am thinking to test if I leave blog1 out of the aggregation and use a stub file which specifies blog=1, will that force blog1 to display its posts...

11 Jun 12, 2009 06:30

Tried using a stub file for blog1 with timestamp to include only posts before 'now' (unix timestamp), which would work for me, and excluding blog1 from aggregation. Didn't work.

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