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1 Jul 05, 2009 20:37    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I've had this issue for a while now, but it's starting to get annoying.

I've installed a couple of plugins - one for YouTube, and one for comment avatars. Both of them keep deactivating themselves every day or two. The plugins that came with B2 work just fine.

Both plugins work fine when enabled, they just don't stay enabled.

Ideally, I'd like to stop them doing this. Failing that, can I set up a cron job or something to turn them back on? Having to log in daily to reactivate them is a pain.



2 Jul 06, 2009 07:46

Something is crashing them. What if you enable only one plugin, will it crash anyway? Can you list all non-default plugins you are using?

Also make sure you're using the latest stable version of [u]all[/u] plugins.

4 Jul 07, 2009 00:17

You could try deleting the YouTube plugin and then reinstall it.

The one on your front page works though it seems to be in a div that there's no styling for "<div class="youtube center">" in your css

It usually renders in "<div class="video_block">"

5 Jul 09, 2009 21:54

Unfortunately, deleting & reinstalling the plugin didn't help..

6 Jul 29, 2009 22:46

One thing to add: Both of these plugins seem to get deactivated only when they're getting heavily-used: When there's a YouTube video on the front page, the plugin will deactivate daily. When only older posts have YouTube vids, it stays up no problem. Same with avatars: Only if a recent post gets lots of comments does it do a fade.

So it's not that they get deactivated daily all the time: They only get deactivated when they're in active use. Is there a "Disable plugins when they use more than n% of the CPU" type setting or something?

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