i had a complete web site with opportunité for members to use there pages like a social networking. now i have a b2 bolg in a folder of myweb site and it work together the blog is set to" www.mywebsite.ltd/Blog/ " ___Note!___=> 'blog work in a folder!!!'
My hope is to offer for members of www.mywebsite.ltd
1-- Members be able to create their own blog from www.mywebsite.ltd/index.php (remebre that blog is fund on a folder)
2-- i want to display new blogs post and liste of blogs and other stat actitivité of all blogs on www.mywebsite.ltd/index.php (wish table contains posts of the blogs
Please if there are any experts b2 try to clarify this !
Respects Marhol
sorry for my little englishjavascript:emoticon(':lol:')
Sounds like you need the [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=15842]userblog[/url] plugin [b]:D[/b]