2 tblue Jul 16, 2009 16:05
and no way to see at a glance if a post has a file linked to it
All linked files/folders/images displayed in skin
Tblue wrote:
View a post in the backoffice (click on post title) and you should see a list titled "Attachments".
Yeah that I knew. When you get down to a specific post the info is clear, but how to know that I need to go to any given post is what I'm not sure of. The specific image doesn't tell me the posts, nor is there a way to see in file manager if any image is linked to any post(s). The post list always shows the folder icon whether there are linked bits or not. So the only way to see the association is to hit all posts one by one.
sam2kb wrote:
All linked files/folders/images displayed in skin
Not sure I understand. Are you saying I can find file association via the skin, or suggesting it as a way of finding it?
Post attachments. Non image files that are linked to a post will be listed and linked below the post. (sam2kb)
Just link some files/folders and see what happens in skin.
Okay. Nothing happens. That makes sense ...
Can you do the same in DEMO? Are you using default 3.3.x skin?
This feature is available since 3.2.0
Oh wow I thought you meant in the back office.
Anyway I am using stock everything and no it doesn't show on my 330RC1 installation on localhost. It also doesn't show on the demo site linked above, which is also running 330RC1.
Even if it did work it doesn't help solve the problem. With a bit over a thousand posts there is no way I'll go through each and every one to find which post a file is attached to! The problem works from two directions. If I go to delete an image file it tells me I can't because it is attached to a post. In this case it is nice to get the info but it would be way nicer if it told me WHICH post(s) the image is attached to AND allowed me to delete the damned thing anyway. As if I can't via FTP eh? The other direction the problem shows up from is when you are looking at the "Posts/Comments" tab. (I kinda miss list and full as options but that is aside.) When I select the "All" subtab each post has a file button with no title or alt text. When I select any other subtab I get the table of details (without post content yah?) that has a blue folder icon with title/alt text of "Edit linked files..." whether there are linked files or not.
Two solutions in my mind. First if File Manager said "this file is linked to {{list of posts that a clickable}} - are you sure you want to delete it" when I tell it to delete then I would know what I currently can't learn. Alternatively, if in a post list situation in the back office I could learn "X attached images/files" then that would give me a clue about image usage.
Oh well. Assuming that one day shows up I'll remove it anyway. Assuming there is ever a stable release that actually works. That is as insultingly ugly as the "Link: domain.tld/whatever" business that shows up when you use the link to url field. It is amazingly presumptuous of b2evolution to decide to add content to a blog post eh?
Oh great. I just noticed images are now clicked to the full image in a browser window. Another "feature" that will have to either be an option or go.
Methinks 247 is the end of the line here :(
Anyway I am using stock everything and no it doesn't show on my 330RC1 installation on localhost. It also doesn't show on the demo site linked above, which is also running 330RC1.
The screenshot made in 3.3.0 demo ;)
Two solutions in my mind. First if File Manager said "this file is linked to {{list of posts that a clickable}} - are you sure you want to delete it" when I tell it to delete then I would know what I currently can't learn.
That would be a great addition.
sam2kb wrote:
Two solutions in my mind. First if File Manager said "this file is linked to {{list of posts that a clickable}} - are you sure you want to delete it" when I tell it to delete then I would know what I currently can't learn.
That would be a great addition.
Don't forget to check if the user has permission to view the post before you show it in that list, and of course they need edit permissions for that post before they can unattach a file from it ;)
Don't forget to check if the user has permission to view the post before you show it in that list, and of course they need edit permissions for that post before they can unattach a file from it ;)
I didn't mean that I'm gonna do it :). Some smart guys will do it better and faster than me.
View a post in the backoffice (click on post title) and you should see a list titled "Attachments".