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1 Jul 19, 2009 05:35    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

Is there a way to limit the number of viewable posts on a blog. I saw that you can change it in App Settings but that changes it for all the blogs, how can I only changed it for one??Thanks

2 Jul 19, 2009 14:21

You might get tired of hearing this soon, but "by updating" is the best available answer. 2.4.7 (and probably 2.4.anything) has it as a per-blog setting.

3 Jul 19, 2009 19:08

Argh :lol: I have always used 1.10 so I never bothered upgrading because I know it so well. Plus I don't wanna have the blog mess up. Anyway of doing this like you showed me in the other thread? Like some hard coded way or something?

4 Jul 20, 2009 01:00

in a similar way set $limit = ### ... you never know, it might work :D

Sorry, but I don't have a sub-2.4.x set of files to check it with


5 Jul 20, 2009 08:01

Hmm I am trying to find the code that makes the blog only show X amount of posts so then I could just do what I did before in a different problem.

if( $blog == X ) {
$limit= X;

EDIT:Looks like I may have a solution using $posts could change the number of posts displalyledl

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