2 yabba Jul 23, 2009 09:56

My b2evolution Version: 2.x
I used to have my my URL links as "explicit params" and recently realized how much more simple the Extra Path URL are so I decided to change to Extra Path URL.
Many weeks later, I'm finding out that all of my OLD explicit params URLs/Links are not working.
Broken Link with Explicit Params: http://www.thechristianalert.org/index.php/2007/05/15/resources-a-christian-s-basic-guide?blog=5
New Link with Extra Path: http://www.thechristianalert.org/index.php/TheBlog/2007/05/15/resources-a-christian-s-basic-guide
Is there a global setting I need to update to make these work?
I've edited a bunch of them manually but I'm realizing this is going to be too tedious... and hoping there's a better way somewhere...
You could use htaccess to redirect old to new, or you could do a redirect in index.php if $_GET['blog'] == 5