2 ambrosia Jul 22, 2009 16:50

Thanks Ambrosia. With your help, I managed to find a document called "Automated install" in the install folder, but, once again, it seems to be written for programmers rather than an amateur like me. In particular, I don't understand what is meant by;-
At this point you can call b2evolution's install script through an HTTP GET request (wget, cURL, etc..) of this form:
On balance, I think I am probably better off sticking with version 2.4.7!
Well done on getting to paragraph 5 :D. OK, so if you have gone through steps 1 to 4 you should have:
1 - Backed up the files from your existing 2.4.7 installation - this just means make sure you have a local copy of the files from your server.
2 - Backed up the database for your 2.4.7 installation - it is really difficult for b2evo to go into any more detail on this one as there are many ways to do this and it is really down to your hosting as to which one you have access to. If you can ask your hosting company to do it then that would be cool or if you have access to something called phpMyAdmin (accessed through you hosting control panel - like CPanel) then you can log on to your database and export it all to a text file. I am sorry if this still sounds technical but it is a bit I guess :) If all else fails then ask your hosting company to see if they can help.
At this point you should be able to get back to your old install if something goes wrong.
3 - I guess this doesn't count for you as you are not upgrading from a version prior to version 2
4 - This is where we upload the new files to your server. Log on via ftp and copy all the files from the /blogs folder to your server overwriting the copies on your server. From the link you already gave:
it looks like you run your blog from the /b2evolution folder. Therefore you will be uploading the files from the /blogs folder (from the zip file you downloaded) to the /b2evolution folder on your server. All files need to be copied (including the install folder) - Make sure you do have the backup from step 1 before doing this :D
Once you have uploaded all the files you will need to take your copy of /conf/_basic_config.php from your backup (step 1) and copy that back up to the server as this holds your database connection info and the install script in the next step will need it.
5 - This is where we run the install script which in your case should be:
This should run the installer and upgrade all the database tables etc
All being well you should now have a 3.3 install of b2evo. You can now delete the install folder on the server and test if everything works. If not then you will need to go back to your previous version via your backup.
I don't know if that is anymore help but it may get you started.
Use the above instructions at your own risk :)
Thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed reply Iturner.
I'm with you up to step five, but how do I "run" the installer?
I've found the install/index.php file you refer to, but it's a text file which only has the command "open" when I right click on it and when I click on
I get an error message saying
"The requested URL /b2evolution/install/index.php was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."
I notice there is no mention of Ezelesec in the URL which appears in the error message - is that a reason why I am having problems?
The error message is showing you the path on the domain (ezelesek.com ) which is missing, hence why it doesn't show you it.
Based on your page info ( ezelesek.com/b2evolution/index.php ) you haven't uploaded the new files ( still shows you as running 2.x.x ).
If I was you I'd actually move my install up to the domain root rather than a sub folder, it's much better for seo.
OK, so you have a zip file for the 3.3 release that you have downloaded and unzipped. In there should be the 'blogs' folder which contains all the files that you need to upload to your server. This should include the 'install' folder. At the end of step 4 you should have all the new files uploaded from the blogs folder uploaded to your server - in your case the b2evolution folder. I don't think this step has completed properly as you don't seem to have the 'install' folder on your server and like ¥åßßå says it is still reporting a 2.x.x install.
The blog you have installed at:
looks like a relatively new install. If you are happy you haven't done any modifications to the skins or plugins etc, you could just delete all the files in the b2evolution folder and upload the new files in their place (or like ¥åßßå says, get rid of the b2evolution folder and upload the files to the root of your domain)
Once you have done the above you run the install by pointing your browser to the install/index.php and it will guide you through the rest. Therefore, if you are keeping the b2evolution folder point your browser to:
If you have uploaded the files to the root of your domain instead, point your browser to:
Hope that helps
I have deleted all of the files that I unzipped from my original download of b2 evolution and replaced them with the ones from the zip file for the 3.3 release but they still don't work. I can access and work on my blog fine, but it is still using the 2.4 version that I have - I'm completely baffled, but am tempted to leave things as they are because what I have at the moment seems to suit my purposes well enough.
OK, fair enough :) If you are happy with it the way it is then that is cool. Does seem a little strange though.
Just out of interest how did you install the previous version. Was it through an automatic install from your hosting provider or did you do it yourself via uploading the files ?
My hosting provider did it - I'd like to thank you and Yabba for your patience and help today by the way.
If you'd like to pm me login credentials for your site then I can take a look for you?
I was going to say the same thing but ¥åßßå will get it sorted quicker than me :D
I dunno, sun's kissing the yardarm ;)
Same down here :-)
Did you upload the install folder? If your blog is at
Then it should be either under there, or in a deeper folder. Mine was at
Look under your b2evolution folder and see if you can find it there. It looks like you either didn't upload it, or your directories go deeper.
yourblogsfolder should be the location of your b2evolution files, but you may have named it something different.