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1 Jul 24, 2009 02:53    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Hi everyone,
NewB here and I am having some issues logging into to the backoffice. I have searched the boards and tried the suggestions. But I am still getting the following:
Either you have not enabled cookies or this login window has expired

My cookies are enabled.
My baseurl is:
$baseurl = '';
and my instance_name is now:
$instance_name = 'sportstailgtr'; /* changed from b2evo */

I am pretty sure it is the cookie that is causing the error, but I have not been able to get around it.
Any help would be appreciated.


2 Jul 24, 2009 21:18

Can you pm me a working login ?


3 Jul 24, 2009 21:44

Ok, only one of those logins "worked" ... but even it failed because evo didn't even try and set a cookie?

can you copy paste the whole of /conf/_advanced.php here ? ( use [php][/php] tags .. saves my mind tilting ;) )


4 Jul 24, 2009 22:03

function NT_( $string )
	return $string;

$debug = 0;

$log_app_errors = 1;

$demo_mode = false;

$home_url = $baseurl;

$require_name_email = 1;

$minimum_comment_interval = 30;

$antispam_on_message_form = 1;

$timeout_online_user = 300; // Default: 5 minutes (300s).

// Get hostname out of baseurl
// YOU SHOULD NOT EDIT THIS unless you know what you're doing
if( preg_match( '#^(https?://(.+?)(:(.+?))?)(/.*)$#', $baseurl, $matches ) )
	$baseurlroot = $matches[1]; // no ending slash!
	// echo "baseurlroot=$baseurlroot <br />";
	$basehost = $matches[2];
	// echo "basehost=$basehost <br />";
	$baseport =  $matches[4];
	// echo "baseport=$baseport <br />";
	$basesubpath =  $matches[5];
	// echo "basesubpath=$basesubpath <br />";
	die( 'Your baseurl ('.$baseurl.') set in _basic_config.php seems invalid. You probably missed the "http://" prefix or the trailing slash. Please correct that.' );

$basedomain = preg_replace( '/^( .* \. )? (.+? \. .+? )$/xi', '$2', $basehost );

$instance_name = 'sportstailgtr'; // MUST BE A SINGLE WORD! NO SPACES!!

$notify_from = $instance_name.'@'.preg_replace( '/^www\./i', '', $basehost );

$db_config['show_errors'] = true;

$db_config['halt_on_error'] = true;

$db_config['aliases'] = array(
		'T_antispam'            => $tableprefix.'antispam',
		'T_basedomains'         => $tableprefix.'basedomains',
		'T_blogs'               => $tableprefix.'blogs',
		'T_categories'          => $tableprefix.'categories',
		'T_coll_group_perms'    => $tableprefix.'bloggroups',
		'T_coll_user_perms'     => $tableprefix.'blogusers',
		'T_coll_settings'       => $tableprefix.'coll_settings',
		'T_comments'            => $tableprefix.'comments',
		'T_cron__log'           => $tableprefix.'cron__log',
		'T_cron__task'          => $tableprefix.'cron__task',
		'T_files'               => $tableprefix.'files',
		'T_filetypes'           => $tableprefix.'filetypes',
		'T_groups'              => $tableprefix.'groups',
		'T_global__cache'       => $tableprefix.'global__cache',
		'T_hitlog'              => $tableprefix.'hitlog',
		'T_items__item'         => $tableprefix.'items__item',
		'T_items__itemtag'      => $tableprefix.'items__itemtag',
		'T_items__prerendering' => $tableprefix.'items__prerendering',
		'T_items__status'       => $tableprefix.'items__status',
		'T_items__tag'          => $tableprefix.'items__tag',
		'T_items__type'         => $tableprefix.'items__type',
		'T_links'               => $tableprefix.'links',
		'T_locales'             => $tableprefix.'locales',
		'T_plugins'             => $tableprefix.'plugins',
		'T_pluginevents'        => $tableprefix.'pluginevents',
		'T_pluginsettings'      => $tableprefix.'pluginsettings',
		'T_pluginusersettings'  => $tableprefix.'pluginusersettings',
		'T_postcats'            => $tableprefix.'postcats',
		'T_sessions'            => $tableprefix.'sessions',
		'T_settings'            => $tableprefix.'settings',
		'T_skins__container'    => $tableprefix.'skins__container',
		'T_skins__skin'         => $tableprefix.'skins__skin',
		'T_subscriptions'       => $tableprefix.'subscriptions',
		'T_users'               => $tableprefix.'users',
		'T_useragents'          => $tableprefix.'useragents',
		'T_usersettings'        => $tableprefix.'usersettings',
		'T_widget'              => $tableprefix.'widget',

$db_config['table_options'] = ''; 
# $db_config['table_options'] = ' ENGINE=InnoDB ';
// Development settings:
# $db_config['table_options'] = ' ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ';

$db_config['use_transactions'] = false;
// Recommended settings:
# $db_config['use_transactions'] = true;

$db_use_fkeys = false;

$obhandler_debug = false;

$cookie_path = preg_replace( '#https?://[^/]+#', '', $baseurl );

if( strpos($basehost, '.') === false )
{	// localhost or windows machine name:
	$cookie_domain = '';
elseif( preg_match( '~^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$~i', $basehost ) )
{	// Use the basehost as it is:
	$cookie_domain = $basehost;
	$cookie_domain = preg_replace( '/^(www\. )? (.+)$/xi', '.$2', $basehost );

	// When hosting multiple domains (not just subdomains) on a single instance of b2evo,
	// you may want to try this:
	// $cookie_domain = '.'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
	// or this: -- Have a cookie domain of 2 levels only, base on current basehost.
	// $cookie_domain = preg_replace( '/^( .* \. )? (.+? \. .+? )$/xi', '.$2', $basehost );
	// fp> pb with domains like !?

// echo $cookie_domain;

$cookie_name    = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'name';
$cookie_email   = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'email';
$cookie_url     = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'url';
// The following handles the session:
$cookie_session = 'cookie'.$instance_name.'session';

$cookie_expires = time() + 31536000;

$cookie_expired = time() - 86400;

$conf_subdir = 'conf/';                  // Subdirectory relative to base
$conf_path = str_replace( '\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__) ).'/';

$basepath = preg_replace( '#/'.$conf_subdir.'$#i', '', $conf_path ).'/';
// echo '<br/>basepath='.$basepath;

$inc_subdir = 'inc/';   		             	// Subdirectory relative to base
$inc_path = $basepath.$inc_subdir; 		   	// You should not need to change this
$misc_inc_path = $inc_path.'_misc/';	   	// You should not need to change this

$htsrv_subdir = 'htsrv/';                // Subdirectory relative to base
$htsrv_path = $basepath.$htsrv_subdir;   // You should not need to change this
$htsrv_url = $baseurl.$htsrv_subdir;     // You should not need to change this

$htsrv_url_sensitive = $htsrv_url;

$xmlsrv_subdir = 'xmlsrv/';              // Subdirectory relative to base
$xmlsrv_url = $baseurl.$xmlsrv_subdir;   // You should not need to change this

$rsc_subdir = 'rsc/';                    // Subdirectory relative to base
$rsc_path = $basepath.$rsc_subdir;       // You should not need to change this
$rsc_url = $baseurl.$rsc_subdir;         // You should not need to change this

$skins_subdir = 'skins/';                // Subdirectory relative to base
$skins_path = $basepath.$skins_subdir;   // You should not need to change this
$skins_url = $baseurl.$skins_subdir;     // You should not need to change this

$dispatcher = 'admin.php';
$admin_url = $baseurl.$dispatcher;

$adminskins_subdir = 'skins_adm/';         // Subdirectory relative to ADMIN
$adminskins_path = $basepath.$adminskins_subdir; // You should not need to change this
$adminskins_url = $baseurl.$adminskins_subdir;   // You should not need to change this

$locales_subdir = 'locales/';            // Subdirectory relative to base
$locales_path = $basepath.$locales_subdir;  // You should not need to change this

$plugins_subdir = 'plugins/';            // Subdirectory relative to base
$plugins_path = $basepath.$plugins_subdir;  // You should not need to change this
$plugins_url = $baseurl.$plugins_subdir;    // You should not need to change this

$cron_subdir = 'cron/';   		             	// Subdirectory relative to base
$cron_url = $baseurl.$cron_subdir;    // You should not need to change this

$install_subdir = 'install/';            // Subdirectory relative to base

$media_subdir = 'media/';                // Subdirectory relative to base
$media_path = $basepath.$media_subdir;   // You should not need to change this
$media_url = $baseurl.$media_subdir;     // You should not need to change this

$public_access_to_media = true;

$force_upload_forbiddenext = array( 'cgi', 'exe', 'htaccess', 'htpasswd', 'php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'php6', 'phtml', 'pl', 'vbs' );

$upload_maxmaxkb = 10000;

$force_regexp_filename = '';
$force_regexp_dirname = '';

$debug_no_register_shutdown = 0;

$debug_xmlrpc_logging = 0;

$cron_timeout_delay = 1800; // 30 minutes

$evonetsrv_host = '';
$evonetsrv_port = 80;
$evonetsrv_uri = '/evonetsrv/xmlrpc.php';

$antispamsrv_host = '';
$antispamsrv_port = 80;
$antispamsrv_uri = '/evonetsrv/xmlrpc.php';

5 Jul 24, 2009 22:06

oook, lets try an age old solution.

Grab a fresh copy of the zip file and re-upload the whole of your /inc/ folder ... then cross your fingers and slay a [insert name of animal here] to your [insert deity of choice] ..... whilst I sod off for food ;)


6 Jul 24, 2009 22:16

I will give that a go and let you know how it turns out.

Thanks again!

7 Aug 08, 2009 09:59

Yep, I am having the same problem. I will let you know if I end up fixing it. Could you fix it in the end?

8 Aug 08, 2009 16:57

Hi vam23,

I noticed I was running 2.4.5( or some variation of that). I ended up doing an upgrade to the stable version and that corrected the login cookie issues.

9 Aug 08, 2009 19:56

Thanx dcahill. Apparenly I had my cookies disabled lol I didn't know Firefox 3.5 had an option to disable cookies from 3rd parties :P It works fine now.

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