2 yabba Jul 25, 2009 09:56

The script I was trying to paste in is:
<script type="text/javascript">
hopfeed_affiliate="richardr01" ; hopfeed_affiliate_tid="" ; hopfeed_cellpadding=5 ; hopfeed_font="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif" ; hopfeed_font_size="9pt" ; hopfeed_font_color="#000000" ; hopfeed_tab1_title="Top Products" ; hopfeed_tab2_title="Marketing" ; hopfeed_tab3_title="Keyword Analysis" ; hopfeed_tab1_keywords="" ; hopfeed_tab2_keywords="internet marketing" ; hopfeed_tab3_keywords="keyword analysis" ; hopfeed_template_name="DEFAULT" ; hopfeed_active_tab_color="#11527B" ; hopfeed_inactive_tab_color="#D1DCEE" ; hopfeed_active_tab_font_color="#FFFFFF" ; hopfeed_inactive_tab_font_color="#000000" ; hopfeed_hover_color="#D1DCEE" ; hopfeed_border_color="#11527B" ; hopfeed_align="left" ; hopfeed_width=320 ; hopfeed_rows=5 ; hopfeed_fill_slots="true" ; hopfeed_link_target="_blank" ; hopfeed_path="http://richardr01.hopfeed.com" ; </script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://richardr01.hopfeed.com/script/hopfeed_widget.js"></script>
It works fine in a test html file.
Does anyone have an idea about this please?
By any chance do you have the autolinks plugin installed?
If you do then try deactivating it and then clear your cache ( admin > tools > misc > delete pre-rendered cache ) and then view the post and see if it's fixed
Apart from having the "illegal tag SCRIPT" warning, this posts just fine in b2 v3#
Thanks for your responses guys
I did have the autolinks plugin installed and did what you suggested Blonde Bimbo (I find it very difficult to address someone I've never met as "Blonde Bimbo"!), but it made no difference.
Guess I'd best get upgraded to v3 :)
What's the exact code you're trying to use in your post?