2 laibcoms Aug 09, 2009 09:05

Thank you! The more I look at this, the more I agree with you, it looks like something at ping.fm's end, not mine or b2evolution's. What's especially weird is, the double posting happens on Twitter, but not on other services like Delicious.
I will pursue this further with ping.fm. Maybe someday someone will write a ping.fm addon for b2e? I hope so.
I have a ping.fm plugin started. I need to test it and submit it for review to ping.fm so I will let you know how it goes.
Let us know how the plugin goes... or if anyone else knows a way to post a b2evolution post on a Facebook wall...
You can. I do. If you add the ping.fm email address they provide, you can have your blog email updates to ping.fm which can send updates to a fan page.
This thread discusses how to adjust the way the blog emails to ping.fm look:
Here's my fan page with updates:
Hi webadmin
You can post your blog entires to facebook out of the box without the need for plugins etc. I talk about doing this in this thread:
It basically just uses the notes feature of Facebook to import your blog rss feed.
Thanks, I saw the information about adding RSS feeds to the notes section. For this Facebook page, I want the blog posts in the status area.
lturner wrote:
I have a ping.fm plugin started. I need to test it and submit it for review to ping.fm so I will let you know how it goes.
How's our ping.fm plugin for b2evolution going? ^_^
(Need testers?)
Hey, sorry but I haven't had chance to work on this for a little while. It is not currently in a state where people can test it unfortunately as it isn't functional enough yet.
Other work has taken over at the moment so I will continue to look at it when it comes back up my priority list :)
lturner wrote:
Hey, sorry but I haven't had chance to work on this for a little while. It is not currently in a state where people can test it unfortunately as it isn't functional enough yet.
Other work has taken over at the moment so I will continue to look at it when it comes back up my priority list :)
Ah, no problem with that ^_^ Do what's more important (and where we'll benefit the more :p )
I recently found the cause of my ping.fm problem.
When you email ping.fm, it expects the subject line to be blank. So, sometimes ping.fm was looking at the subject line and using it instead of using the body of the message. I think I found a way to alter _item.class.php so it wouldn't send emails with subject lines:
$cache_by_locale[$notify_locale]['subject'] = sprintf( T_(''), $edited_Blog->get('shortname'), $this->get('title') );
That's interesting, I've never thought of sending the updates that way - via email.
I'm using b2evolution v3.x so I'll give it a try and see what will happen (ie if I get the same double result as you did with v2.x).
But, do check sending an email update manually, there is the possibility that ping.fm is the one adding the extra one. Since I haven't tested it as of this time, I'm not sure which one is b2evo's and which one is not.
Hmm, you can also try it like this: setup your blog to send the email to your personal email and create a test post (say, repeat the duplicated posts first). If you get double emails, then maybe it's b2evo's.
But if you did not get double emails, then maybe it's ping.fm's. The next step will be to repeat the same process but send it back to ping.fm and see.
That's so far the best help I can give ^_^ Elimination of Hypotheses.
Cool site too and a disqus user as well!! ^_^
(We really need a Disqus-API <-> B2evo integration :p the JavaScript method is not SEO friendly.)