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1 Aug 09, 2009 20:05    

Update : I moved this topic, since I discoverd it's not a bug, just a very anoying feature

I downloaded 3.3.1 and was playing with the intro-posts
When trying the intro-tag, it's not giving the desired outcome : it's not showing the intropost.
I can not reproduce it on the demoblog (but it's like there is still the rc version.
The other intro-posts are working tought.

Any ideas ?

update : ok I nailed it down
I have an agragater blog that show 9 blogs.
When I write an intro-tag posts in my agregator blog, it's not showing when the post itself is written in one of the subblogs.

2 Sep 24, 2009 10:52

it's not a bug. intro posts are not aggregated by design, otherwise you could not have specific intro posts for aggregated blogs.

3 Sep 24, 2009 19:36

Like I mentionned on twitter already, this makes no sence for the category intro posts.
Thanks for looking into it.

It's not a bug as such but a very anoying feature that does not exactly do what you should expect.
That the blog intropost does not work, I can understand 100%

But category and tag introposts should work in the aggregated blog.

4 Sep 24, 2009 22:04

yes, ok, we need to change it for category intros.

5 Sep 24, 2009 23:19

I know I don't know much about it, but I thought a category intro would show up when you click on the category name. So ... doesn't that mean it takes you to the blog the category is in? So ... wouldn't that mean you are off the blog the content was aggregated into?

Maybe I'm just confused.

6 Sep 25, 2009 00:38

It's even different when I go look indeapth what the problem is. (Because I realise Edb was right, so it had to be something else why I wrote this bugreport)

When I make an intro-category post, on blog 31 (a member of aggregator blog 2, I see that category-intro when I actually click on that category.
But when I view blog 2, I see immediatly the category-post. Or let me say 'a' category post. It shows me the latest categorypost that I wrote for it.
Can it be because my aggregatorblogs are set up like this :

$blog = 2;
$catsel = array(4,18,3,22,330,15,8,341,20,348,95,9,93,320,310,330,338,340,341,20,348,95,307,305,316,96,352,97,90,89,356,357,360,364,365,390,398);
$show_statuses = array();
$timestamp_min = '';
$timestamp_max = 'now';
# $order = 'ASC'; // This for example would display the blog in chronological order...
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/conf/_config.php';
require $inc_path.'';

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