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1 Aug 24, 2009 04:31    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered


I just installed b2evo for the first time. My question is, how do you hide the example blogs? I checked the wiki and FAQs forum, but they aren't very specific or don't seem to match my version (2.4.5).



2 Aug 24, 2009 05:21

Hi SharkD.

Pretty simple sorta. On your Blog settings -> pick a blog -> advanced or maybe options or maybe something else subtab you will find a checkbox for "include in public blog list". Uncheck it.

You can also recycle the blog numbers by just changing everything to be what you want it to be. And hey what the heck you can just delete the whole thing if you want. I'm not sure what happens to the sample posts when you do that. They either go to the next lower category/blog number or maybe they get deleted.

Hope it helps :)

3 Aug 24, 2009 06:02

Awesome! Now how do I change the blog ID such as the last one is considered blog #1 (in URLs for instance)?

4 Aug 24, 2009 06:16

You can't do that. Each blog gets the next sequential ID number even if you delete a previously existing blog.

Well ... "can't" is kinda extreme. You could hack away at your database and eventually force it to be what you want. If you go that route understand that blog posts are technically attached to categories which in turn are attached to blogs. So any post in cat#12 which happens to be in blog#5 will become orphaned big-time if you simply change the blog ID in the database. Until you figure out you have to change the blog ID the cat is associated with. And some other table that talks about post category IDs.

Why what's so special about having blog=1 in a URL?

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