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1 Aug 24, 2009 23:27    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

The thing I'm trying to do is make a photoblog use thumbnails for prev/next links instead of the gray arrows. So far I've managed to get the arrow on either side of the title area instead of paired up on the right. The thing is when a visitor is on a "multi-post" page it acts like prev/next for multi-post pages (of course) even though posts per page is set to 1. Which means it is really like a single post page.

So! In single post mode (like after clicking a thumnail from mediaidx) my prev/next can easily know the previous and next item numbers, which means it won't be too hard to get the actual thumbnail for that item. However in multi-post mode (which looks exactly like single eh?) the URL has something like "?blog=12&paged=2" in it. That seems odd to me - showing the blog number - but what I wonder is does anyone know a reasonably clean way to get the item that would be shown on that page? Technically I guess what I want is the item_ID of the first item shown on a prev or next page, which in this case is the only item.

A head-start down the right path would be a wonderful thing!

2 Aug 25, 2009 00:09

Alternatively, is there a way to make a blog always be in single post mode?

3 Aug 25, 2009 00:58

Never mind :)

I figured why fight it? Why not make photoblog have more than one post per page on multipost pages, use a smaller image fit thingie, cut out the text, throw in some title stuff, maybe even add a sidebar, and be artsy fartsy with the gray arrows on the single post page instead.

Easy-breazy this way :D

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