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1 Aug 24, 2009 20:18    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Just bumped into this. Not sure if it is covered anywhere already, so here you go.

You can change the default stuff that shows up when you create a new blog by editing /inc/collections/model/_collsettings.class.php beginning around line 47. Here it is, slightly modified to almost fit your screen

var $_defaults = array(
	'new_feedback_status'    => 'draft',     // 'draft', 'published' or 'deprecated'
	'ping_plugins'           => 'ping_pingomatic,ping_b2evonet', // ping plugin codes, separated by comma
	'orderby'                => 'datestart',
	'orderdir'               => 'DESC',
	'what_to_show'           => 'posts',     // posts, days
	'posts_per_page'         => '5',
	'feed_content'           => 'normal',
	'posts_per_feed'         => '8',
	'allow_subscriptions'    => 0,           // Don't all email subscriptions by default
	'use_workflow'           => 0,           // Don't use workflow by default
	'aggregate_coll_IDs'     => '',
	'allow_rating'           => 'never',
	'canonical_item_urls'    => 1,           // Redirect posts to their canonical Url?
	'default_noindex'        => '0',         // META NOINDEX on Default blog page
	'paged_noindex'          => '1',         // META NOINDEX on following blog pages
	'paged_nofollowto'       => '0',         // NOFOLLOW on links to following blog pages
	'archive_mode'           => 'monthly',   // monthly, weekly, daily, postbypost
	'archive_links'          => 'extrapath', // param, extrapath
	'archive_posts_per_page' => '100',
	'archive_noindex'        => '1',         // META NOINDEX on Archive pages
	'archive_nofollowto'     => '0',         // NOFOLLOW on links to archive pages
	'chapter_links'          => 'chapters',  // 'param_num', 'subchap', 'chapters'
	'canonical_cat_urls'     => 1,           // Redirect categories to their canonical Url?
	'chapter_posts_per_page' => NULL,
	'chapter_noindex'        => '1',         // META NOINDEX on Category pages
	'category_prefix'        => '',
	'tag_links'              => 'colon',     // 'param', 'semicol'
	'canonical_tag_urls'     => 1,           // Redirect tag pages to their canonical Url?
	'tag_posts_per_page'     => NULL,
	'tag_noindex'            => '1',         // META NOINDEX on Tag pages
	'tag_prefix'             => '',
	'single_links'           => 'ymd',
	'permalinks'             => 'single',    // single, archive, subchap
	'filtered_noindex'       => '1',         // META NOINDEX on other filtered pages
	'arcdir_noindex'         => '1',         // META NOINDEX on Archive directory
	'catdir_noindex'         => '1',         // META NOINDEX on Category directory
	'feedback-popup_noindex' => '1',         // META NOINDEX on Feedback popups
	'msgform_noindex'        => '1',         // META NOINDEX on Message forms
	'special_noindex'        => '1',         // META NOINDEX on other special pages
	'title_link_type'        => 'permalink',
	'blog_footer_text'       => '©$year$ by $owner$',
	'single_item_footer_text' => '',
	'xml_item_footer_text'   => '<p><small><a href="$item_perm_url$">Original post</a> blogged on <a href="">b2evolution</a>.</small></p>',
	'atom_redirect'          => '',
	'rss2_redirect'          => '',

So for example let's say you added the [url=]twitterlution[/url] plugin to your 247 blog and want it to be there when you create a new blog. It's not by default, so you add the code for that plugin (evo_twitter) to one line here and you're done - no more remembering to go check that box.

'ping_plugins'           => 'ping_pingomatic,ping_b2evonet,evo_twitter', // ping plugin codes, separated by comma

no preview button in this forum in this skin - bummer :(

EDIT: this is also a great place to permanently get rid of rsspam

'xml_item_footer_text'   => '',


2 Aug 24, 2009 20:21

Fits my screen nicely thanks :D

Yeah, I don't get a preview button either ( for new posts ) ... unfortunately I no longer have sftp access to the files and I'm buggered if I can find a setting that makes it not happen :(


3 Aug 24, 2009 20:25

I get a tiny little sideways scrollbar. Ah well. Kinda looks okay I guess.

I'm guessing it is related to the skin (as was the thing where some peeps couldn't select a version or it defaulted to something incorrect most of the time), but I can't figure out how to change skins. Or are they themes? Probably a profile thingie eh?

UPDATE: not due to theme/skin/look. In both "boring blue" and "omg orange" there is no preview for posting but there is a preview for replying. Ah well. I reckon if I really cared I could reply to something, preview it, then copy/paste it to the new post thingie.

4 Aug 24, 2009 20:28

It's a profile thingy, buggered if I can remember which bit ..... but the other skin looks bloody awful at my res ;)


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