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1 Sep 04, 2009 10:28    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

A blog that we have created is getting indexed in Google, which is good news.

However we have a slight issue. When an article is indexed we sometimes get the general blog listing url (with all articles on it), general blog title (our blog listing title), but with the actual individual post/article description.

eg. /news-blog/blog1.php title = general blog listing page, description = new article description

We would like to get it so every time an article is indexed the article url, title and description relate to it.


news-blog/blog1.php/new-article-url, title = new article title, description = new article description

Is there a way of prioritizing it so Google will index in this way? Does something need changing on in the settings?

Any help would be greatly appreciated


2 Sep 04, 2009 23:19

out of the box, google will index the individual article.

have you set up the google web master account and added your XML/site map to google?

if not, this will help you a lot. You can also, siince you're right there... add the "FeedBurner" account/feature. google it if you're new to it.

3 Sep 21, 2009 11:49

Thank you for your help esanchez, sorry for the wait on a reply.

We currently have a site map for the site with Google and have also added the rss feed to FeedBurner but we are still receiving the same problem.

The article is listed within 20 minutes with the correct title and url . The blog listing is also indexed at the same time . However, after a couple of days Google has removed and just left the blog listing page. Even more strange is the article then normally reappears after 1-2 weeks.

Any more help you could provide me with would be much appreciated.

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