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1 Sep 04, 2009 13:55    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.1

TinyMCE keeps placing "p" tags around object tags. Even if I delete them, it keeps putting them back.

2 Sep 04, 2009 14:32

So, todays lesson is... stop using dopey WYSIWYG formatting tools that don't don't know their arse from their elbow.

Object tags are allowed in b2 and validate as strict XHTML.

Also please don't do double posts on the same topic.

3 Sep 05, 2009 10:33

I made two topics for two different problems:

#1: What are the drawbacks of disabling the "prevent objects" option in
the group settings? Is there a way to configure TinyMCE to use a
"b2evo friendly" way to embedd media?

#2: TinyMCE keeps putting the "p" tag around inserted objects. (Or
images for that matter.) This "object tag can not be inside a p tag" error
message can not be removed by disabling the "prevent objects" option.
Is it possible to make TinyMCE stop placing unwanted "p" tags?

Regardless, I'd appreciate any help for any of the problems in any thread.

As for the "dopey WYSIWYG tools": I thought TinyMCE is an integrated
part of b2evo 3.x. Isn't that the case?

Object tags are allowed in b2 and validate as strict XHTML.

So the error message I'm getting is not for technical, but for security

4 Sep 05, 2009 10:49

Slightly OT, but I'm pretty sure I get P tags around embedded videos in 247 without a WYSINEWYGBOTBKC editor. The thing I haven't played with is priorities. Like, if videoplugplus goes before auto-p, then auto-p might not put P tags around the DIV that videoplugplus makes. Untested though. Could be a bug in auto-p, and sorta on topic eh?

Zoltan are you certain it is Tiny MCE and not auto-p doing the bad thing? I guess if auto-p is disabled and it still happens then you know the bad guy eh?

Another OT: the thing I don't like about any of the 3rd party "make it be pretty" editor plugins - even one that ships with the core - is that support and enhancement doesn't come with the root product. A long time ago I tried TinyMCE and wanted to know how to put class="floatright" on an image tag. "Go learn TinyMCE" was the overall flavor of the response. hmmm...

ANYWAY it might be auto-p in conjunction with plugin priorities that is causing the unhappy P tags. Disabling it will tell the tale, and then changing priority orders will give more info. I think "lower priority number comes first" is how it works.

5 Sep 05, 2009 11:23

My apologies for my tone about WYSIWYG formatting, however it seemed plain to me that both questions are related to how you can/cannot use the <object> tag.

EdB raises the auto p settings as a possible issue however I have tried it with auto p set to off and it still wraps <object> in p tags . I didn't change the plugin's priority settings but nor should I have to.

EdB has authored a great video plugin ( thats in the middle of an update, I think ) with a Flash button that will deliver <object> tags without issue, as long as you wrap them with , either nothing, or a div with or without a class.

6 Sep 05, 2009 13:00

Thank you guys for the help! :)

I was a satisfied user of EdB's videoplug in 2.x times, but when I saw
TinyMCE I kinda figured that is what I'm supposed to use from now on.
Anyway, the plugin is back and stuff works again.

As for the auto "p" tagging, I got the same behavior as John: Auto P doesn't
matter in this case. I go and do some digging in the official TinyMCE forums.
If I find anything useful then I'm gonna post here.

7 Sep 05, 2009 18:23

Here is a detailed explanation why it inserts the p tags: [url=]TinyMCE wiki[/url]

There seems to be quite a few good reasons to use the p tags in a
WYSIWYG editor.


If you really must have BR instead of paragraph elements for
some reason – for example to interface with Flash or send e-mail
messages –, then simply post process them away by replacing <p with
<span and </p> with </span><br />, which takes care of P tags with
class or style attributes.

Is there a straightforward way to do that in b2evo?

And what's the problem with object tags in p tags anyway?

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