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1 Sep 04, 2009 21:33    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I want to set up users so that they can reply to any post and create a new post and edit there own. The problem that I am having is that I do not want them to be able to access any other areas of the admin ie: dashboard. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong or is it not possible in this software?

2 Sep 04, 2009 23:13

this is possible. go to your blog settings "features" tab

Use advanced perms:
This will turn on the advanced User and Group permissions tabs for this blog.

3 Sep 09, 2009 14:21

Thanks for the reply. I tried all of that and they get more permissions than I want them to have. I did find out that what I really need is a forum instead of a blog. My service provider also offers a forum add on by SMF. It does all that I want it to. Again thanks for the help.

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