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1 Sep 11, 2009 02:29    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Hi all

I am newbie. I just installed the latest b2evolution.

At present when a response is posted on the blog, it sends an e-mail to me (the admin) asking me to allow the response.

I would like to consider allowing users to post responses without me getting the e-mail. How do I go about this ? Is there a built in function for this ?

Also, can I enable "confirmation codes" for people interested in posting responses to my blogs. Is there a built in function for this in b2Evolution ?

Thanks in advance

2 Sep 11, 2009 03:19

Getting the email is from in your profile where you have something set to "notify me when I get new comments on my posts". It is on by default, so turn it off :)

It is asking you to allow the response because your status for new comments is set to 'draft'. Somewhere on the Blog settings tab there is a bit for 'new feedback status'. Or maybe on the Global settings tab? Anway set it to 'published' and the stuff will be automagically published instead of in draft mode.

By the way if you leave new comments at draft and don't have it tell you there is a new comment you'll have to check all the time yourself else people's comments might sit there in draft forever and ever.

What do you mean by "confirmation code"? There is a captcha plugin and a turing test plugin somewhere that makes people prove they're human ... if that is the type of thing.

3 Sep 11, 2009 03:33

Thanks Ed B

By confirmation code, I mean the feature that asks users to type in a series of letters and numbers before they post anything.

4 Sep 11, 2009 04:01

If you are using v2 (if v3, I haven't tested it, but might work)

Get EdB's TuringTest plugin:

You can also get reCAPTCHA:

Before I moved to DISQUS for my blog comments, I always use those two types. TuringTest for real people, CAPTCHA for the trackback-spam bots (there is a setting where it will be enabled in the trackback links only [if this is the correct plugin or was it the other CAPTCHA plugin??])

But yep, you can use one of those two, depending on which one you personally prefer. The TuringTest is of this format, example:

"What is 8 multiplied by four and subtract an eight (in numerical format)?"

Then your users have to type "24".

It can be any question you like, just make sure you are clear (in my example above) if you are asking in numerical form or word form. That will throw off those comment-spam bots. (They are getting better and better :p )

reCAPTCHA on the other hand is your regular captcha but taken to the next level. It retrieves two words from the reCAPTCHA database. One existing dictionary word, and the other is some word their database first encountered.

These words are coming (according to the website) from the scanning of books and what not by their partners. Which will help them identify "scanned" words. For example, some scanned word showed up with letters overlapping each other. If 10 out of 100 times this word showed up on all reCAPTCHA enabled websites are the only correct answer, then that tells them that this word is hard to read and is highly questionable.

Then I dont know what they do with that data after that :p hehe.

So you can choose from the two. Custom question or go help some organization :p

(Or enable them both, but that will be too much for your commenters.)

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