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1 Sep 22, 2009 02:24    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.1

I notice a common behavior to the b2evo sites that I have upgraded to V3 (from V2), that it takes forever or the page does not load the first time you try to access the blog, but when you reload the page, the site is shown. As long as the page is loaded, the next time you go to the site, it's ok, until the next day.

I suspect this is sub-domain / sub-directory of a domain, or server related because I don't have problem with my personal blog hosted elsewhere and is at the root of the domain.

I didn't have this problem before the upgrade. Could there be something new in the new version I need to look at? Or it's the server setting?

It's not a major issue since the blogs are used by a small group of people and it can be worked around by hitting refresh. It's just some users find it annoying to hit refresh button.

2 Sep 22, 2009 04:13

Could be a problem with your host. Who is it?

There might be a timeout. The second time it just goes fast enough not to hit the tileout because many things are in cache on the server... until they go out of cache.

You may want to try to disable all plugins too.

3 Sep 22, 2009 06:32

It's self hosted on a fedora core 10 server and website is only available internally. There are other intranet hosted on the same server but it seems only the b2evo blogs are having this problem.

4 Dec 18, 2009 03:21

I upgraded website to latest version (V333) and the problem seems getting worse. The website now appears 'hangs' for a long time, hitting refresh / reload does not work like it used to (with V331, see my workaround solution in original post). Have to wait for whatever it's trying to do (waiting for some timeout?) to load a page, whether is the blog front page or the backoffice. This happens with every single page access.

Does b2evo tries to access external websites on startup? As mentioned, it's Intranet and does not have internet presence. The server also does not have internet connection. So one reason I could come up with it's trying to access some Internet website and waits for timeout.

The plugins used are 'minimal' - archived widget, auto link, auto p, calendar widget, quick tag, texturized, and tinymce.

If it's not to do with internet access, what else could it be?

For my websites that do have internet presence, they don't seem to have this problem.

5 Dec 18, 2009 07:57

add $allow_evo_stats = false; to your /conf/_basic_config.php ;)


6 Jan 18, 2010 02:05

Thanks for the fix! The website now loads instantly.

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