2 ultrageek Sep 22, 2009 20:30

I have now downloaded fresh copies of the 3.3.1 package and done fresh installs 3 times. I get the same errors in the php each time.
It's obviously something I'm doing if no one else is seeing this.
Hi Lee
Just out of interest, what version of PHP are you running ? I think that b2evo requires version 4.1.0 or above.
Search the forums, there's a recent similar post, think it was a php.ini setting ;)
I have php 4.4.3RC2-dev, and I can't find the php.ini file anywhere on the system.
Yes, I'm new at this. :oops:
Hit the "search" link at the top of the forums and search for "variable references" && "deprecated"
I can edit the pages individually to remove the offending characters, but thats a lot of pages to search through.