2 yabba Sep 24, 2009 19:36

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.1
I have recently installed b2revolution v3.3.1 and possibly missing the obvious? I have searched the forums, however I can not seem to find answers for the following...
When a picture is included in a blog, it defaults to a link to the picture file. Is it posible to change this, I need the link to point at an external website.
Is it posible to turn off the links for blog b, blog links and photoblog? I would like only the main, a blog to be visible.
and finally...
Is it possible to put a logo in front of the blog title in the header?
(using default skin)
Again sorry if I am missing something obvious, I thought these would be typical options in the 'backoffice', but I can not find any of these options there or in the editor.
edit the link?
uninstall the widget ( admin > blog settings > [blog] > widgets .... urm, bloglist widget or summat )
yes .. there's a blog logo widget ( similar path as above but click "add new widget" ) ... the image needs to be uploaded to /media/blogs/[blog]/