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1 Oct 05, 2009 20:55    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Hi! I was going to migrate from a 2.4.6 to a 3.3.1, but I just found out what for me was a major change, and Id like to ask how it works now:

in the conf/_advanced.php file, you had this:

 * Aliases for table names:
 * (You should not need to change them.
 *  If you want to have multiple b2evo installations in a single database you should
 *  change {@link $tableprefix} in _basic_config.php)
$db_config['aliases'] = array(
		'T_antispam'            => $tableprefix.'antispam',
		'T_basedomains'         => $tableprefix.'basedomains',
		'T_blogs'               => $tableprefix.'blogs',
		'T_categories'          => $tableprefix.'categories',
		'T_coll_group_perms'    => $tableprefix.'bloggroups',
		'T_coll_user_perms'     => $tableprefix.'blogusers',
		'T_coll_settings'       => $tableprefix.'coll_settings',
		'T_comments'            => $tableprefix.'comments',
		'T_cron__log'           => $tableprefix.'cron__log',
		'T_cron__task'          => $tableprefix.'cron__task',
		'T_files'               => $tableprefix.'files',
		'T_filetypes'           => $tableprefix.'filetypes',
		'T_groups'              => $tableprefix.'groups',
		'T_global__cache'       => $tableprefix.'global__cache',
		'T_hitlog'              => $tableprefix.'hitlog',
		'T_items__item'         => $tableprefix.'items__item',
		'T_items__itemtag'      => $tableprefix.'items__itemtag',
		'T_items__prerendering' => $tableprefix.'items__prerendering',
		'T_items__status'       => $tableprefix.'items__status',
		'T_items__tag'          => $tableprefix.'items__tag',
		'T_items__type'         => $tableprefix.'items__type',
		'T_links'               => $tableprefix.'links',
		'T_locales'             => $tableprefix.'locales',
		'T_plugins'             => $tableprefix.'plugins',
		'T_pluginevents'        => $tableprefix.'pluginevents',
		'T_pluginsettings'      => $tableprefix.'pluginsettings',
		'T_pluginusersettings'  => $tableprefix.'pluginusersettings',
		'T_postcats'            => $tableprefix.'postcats',
		'T_sessions'            => $tableprefix.'sessions',
		'T_settings'            => $tableprefix.'settings',
		'T_skins__container'    => $tableprefix.'skins__container',
		'T_skins__skin'         => $tableprefix.'skins__skin',
		'T_subscriptions'       => $tableprefix.'subscriptions',
		'T_users'               => $tableprefix.'users',
		'T_useragents'          => $tableprefix.'useragents',
		'T_usersettings'        => $tableprefix.'usersettings',
		'T_widget'              => $tableprefix.'widget',

and with that, I point to different tables, in order to share users and stats, but with different sites in different instalations, something very handy (therefore, many sites that share a common users database) I use it for a better lang division in my blog.

But now I see that this WONDERFUL feature vanished! :S Where could I found it again??? Thanks in advance!!! :D

2 Oct 05, 2009 21:20

The DB table aliases are now set in the init file for each module. Currently there are only two modules with init files:

  • inc/_core/__core.init.php

  • inc/sessions/_sessions.init.php

  • [/list:u]

3 Oct 06, 2009 20:14

did you get an answer to your question? did you figure it out?

4 Oct 06, 2009 20:54

The answer is directly above your post. ;)

5 Oct 09, 2009 13:22

Hi, sorry for not anwsering in time! :D I just started doing
what you said, found every old table, now I could breath
that I could have the same structure... and as far as I didnt
test it (yet) due the new tables (a question leads to another
question! ;-), I know that "its going to work"! :D But... now
I have a couple of extra doubts, regarding the new scheme
of tables: I see new tables that there werent in the last version:

At inc/_core/__core.init.php

'T_items__type'         => $tableprefix.'items__type',
'T_users__fielddefs'    => $tableprefix.'users__fielddefs',
'T_users__fields'       => $tableprefix.'users__fields',

I guess that the first one should remain as part of the
particular installation (and therefore, not shared with the
other installations) But the next two, I guess should be
shared, right?

And at inc/sessions/_sessions.init.php

$db_config['aliases']['T_track__keyphrase'] = $tableprefix.'track__keyphrase';
$db_config['aliases']['T_track__goal'] = $tableprefix.'track__goal';
$db_config['aliases']['T_track__goalhit'] = $tableprefix.'track__goalhit';

I bet these last ones from inc/sessions/_sessions.init.php
should be shared among different sites with same users, right?

Thanks in advance! :D

6 Oct 11, 2009 10:10

Hi again! I tried to solve this by my own,
but... I couldnt! :S I tried to find an up to
date schema of the db, to figure it out
which tables should be shared and which
ones not, but... the schema its not up to
date! :P So if any could explain to me
what are this tables for, I would thank it
(a lot! :-) 'coz that way, I will know for
sure if this tables should be shared...
or not! :P (Im 90% sure so far, but I
want more accuracy... as its something
regarding db's!!!) Thanks in advance! :D

PS: Proofs that I've done my homework! :P

7 Aug 28, 2011 12:42

Tblue wrote:

The DB table aliases are now set in the init file for each module. Currently there are only two modules with init files:

  • inc/_core/__core.init.php

  • inc/sessions/_sessions.init.php

  • [/list:u][/quote] Hi! Did the table aliases in 4.0.5 remain in just those two files? (I decide to upgrade! :D ) Best regards & thanks in advance! :D

8 Aug 28, 2011 14:37

It seems that (at least) the table prefix._global__cache is "somewhere else" quoted! Where??? :D

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