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1 Oct 15, 2009 00:08    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I am running version 2.4.7, and have been trying to establish my blog. I went to Facebook because of the blognetworks application there. Unfortunately, I get an error that says that although I have a valid RSS feed set up, I am missing an "atom:link". The problem is, I have no idea where to go to address this issue.

Can someone please let me know where to fix this 'error'? I've tried to capture pertinent details, as shown below. Thank you, and I'll be glad to answer more questions. I'm just not sure what all is needed.

I see the error here:
the above page contains this warning:
Blog Feed

Error pulling feed. We tried pulling this feed URL:

and we got this error:
XML error: Undeclared entity warning at line 260, column 8

Click here for help
this send me to:
which tells me:
Feed problem: Right feed URL?

Item 3: Detailed validation report
the report says:
FEED Validator

for Atom and RSS and KML


[Valid RSS] This is a valid RSS feed.


This feed is valid, but interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the

following recommendations.


line 302, column 3: Missing atom:link with rel="self" [help]



1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?><!-- generator="b2evolution/2.4.7" -->
2. <rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:admin=""

xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:content="">
3. <channel>
4. <title>the Online Writer's Blog</title>
5. <link></link>
6. <description>the Online Writer's Blog</description>

292 <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div class="image_block"><img

src="" alt="Extremes" title="Extremes" width="475" height="773"

293 <pre></pre>
294 <p><strong>T</strong>here's always someone taller,<br />
295 <strong>A</strong>nd always someone shorter, but<br />
296 <strong>L</strong>ook, when extremes meet, that <br />
297 <strong>L</strong>oop has come full circle.<br />
298 John B. Moss<br />
299 4 September 2009</p><div class="item_footer"><p><small><a href="

long-and-short-of-it?blog=2">Original post</a> blogged on <a href="">b2evolution</a>.</small></p></div>]]

300 <comments></comments>
301 </item>
302 </channel>
303 </rss>

looking for additional help on this error, I get:

FEED Validator

for Atom and RSS and KML


Missing atom:link with rel="self"

According to the RSS Advisory Board's Best Practices Profile, identifying a feed's URL within the feed makes it more

portable, self-contained, and easier to cache. For these reasons, a feed should contain an atom:link used for this purpose.


If you haven't already done so, declare the Atom namespace at the top of your feed, thus:

<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">

Then insert a atom:link to your feed in the channel section. Below is an example to get you started. Be sure to replace the

value of the href attribute with the URL of your feed.

<atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />

That's it! What does it mean? ???

3 Oct 15, 2009 07:39

sam2kb wrote:

See if this URL works better

Unfortunately, I don't have any idea where to make this change. I can see why I would want to do so, but exactly how do I edit, what file, what step-by-step procedure, in order to access the code that needs to be changed. Sorry I'm so dense... Thanks for helping!

4 Oct 15, 2009 16:44

There's nothing you should edit in b2evo. Just provide the second (Atom) feed to Facebook.
I have no idea how to this cos I don't use facebook.

5 Oct 16, 2009 02:03

sam2kb wrote:

There's nothing you should edit in b2evo. Just provide the second (Atom) feed to Facebook.
I have no idea how to this cos I don't use facebook.

Thank you! I had no idea either, but I found an 'Edit Details' option in NetworkBlogs (part of Facebook) and I changed the _RSS2 to _atom, as suggested, and this cleared up the issue I was having there.

Thank you VERY MUCH!

6 Oct 16, 2009 02:08

Now, being a newbie, I have two final questions:

First, I looked for a way to enter my version number when I initiated the post, didn't see this as an option, and entered it as my first piece of information. So - where does this get entered, so the post does NOT say "My b2evolution Version: Not Entered "?

Second, now that I believe my question has been answered, how does one 'close' a topic?

Thank you!

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