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1 Oct 15, 2009 01:06    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I've recently upgraded an old old blog to 3.3.1 and my trackback spam has gone nuts. I used to never get any, now I'm getting dozens/day.

I tried adding recaptcha and Turing Test but there's been no change. What do I do?

2 Oct 15, 2009 01:30

Turing Test won't help against trackback spam, but recaptcha should have. Dunno though, I don't use it OR allow trackbacks.

Best way to stop trackback spam is to disable trackbacks. :(

3 Oct 15, 2009 01:35

I figured as well. Anyway I cannot for the life of me figure out how to disable trackbacks... I can't find them anywhere in the admin. I can't even figure out how they're posting trackbacks. I have comments disabled and I can't find any links on the pages that allow posting of trackbacks. They might be using some direct post method.

4 Oct 15, 2009 02:12

Depends on your version, but try Blog settings -> pick a blog -> Features. Should be a checkbox to un-check for disabling trackbacks.

5 Oct 16, 2009 02:45

EdB wrote:

Depends on your version, but try Blog settings -> pick a blog -> Features. Should be a checkbox to un-check for disabling trackbacks.

Thanks a lot for this post! I've been plagued for days now with unwanted trackback, including foreign language ads, etc. etc. - what a relief to be able to just turn these OFF!

But - what if there is a good reason for a trackback - is there? If so, how would this be done, and still block the spam? (In the meantime, I'm happy - thanks!)

6 Oct 16, 2009 03:21

In theory trackback allows for some other blogger to grab your trackback URL and paste it into their blog app when they want to blog about a blog post you made. Part of their post shows up as a trackback on your blog. So I guess it depends on what you consider a "good" reason to have them, but to me there simply isn't any value in them.

I thought captcha or recaptcha worked on trackbacks, but hey maybe not. Anyway that is the only anti-trackback-spam tool I am aware of. Not that I pay attention though because I simply don't enable that feature. Ever.

7 Oct 16, 2009 05:48

EdB wrote:

In theory trackback allows for some other blogger to grab your trackback URL and paste it into their blog app when they want to blog about a blog post you made. Part of their post shows up as a trackback on your blog. So I guess it depends on what you consider a "good" reason to have them, but to me there simply isn't any value in them.

I thought captcha or recaptcha worked on trackbacks, but hey maybe not. Anyway that is the only anti-trackback-spam tool I am aware of. Not that I pay attention though because I simply don't enable that feature. Ever.

I get it. No Trackbacks in my Blog - period. Thank you very much!

8 Oct 16, 2009 06:14

Strangely, I still cannot find any reference to trackbacks anywhere in the admin screens...

9 Oct 20, 2009 02:58

I thought I was going crazy - could not find where to turn off track backs either- but it seems it is hidden once you have turned off comments !!

So go to Features - allow comments on all posts - and lo and behold out pops the allow track backs box - uncheck it - then disallow comments - and hopefully some peace from spam..

But.. I cant help but feel this is not a real solution.. for a blog..

I have to move servers - so after I have managed that I might try something a little more sophisticated.. its just that I am being hammered by spam over the last few weeks - not sure why -

10 Oct 20, 2009 08:35

In v2, there are plugins that have trackback support (Captcha or reCaptcha plugins - I can't remember which).

In v3, I'm not sure if those work still. I switched to Disqus as my Comments system which include trackbacks. If that is an option for you, visit and check it out. And if you need help in integrating it in your blog, just ask :D

My b2evo blogs using disqus:

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