1 mochababy Nov 15, 2009 21:46
3 mochababy Nov 16, 2009 05:47
thanks but that's not exactly as helpful to my situation as you can't really move the posts, just the categories. Plus, doesn't give the comfort of deleting the category forever.
4 sam2kb Nov 16, 2009 06:45
Actually you [u]can[/u] move the posts, and after you done you can delete the category.
5 edb Nov 16, 2009 15:08
Renumbering blogs in 247 was pretty easy once I figured it out. For me the goal was to get a numerical bloglist into the order I wanted them to show up in. IF you do this you better have a backup handy so that you can undo whatever damage happens, as I've no idea if this will be cool in 3.*
UPDATE `evo_blogs` SET `blog_ID` = WILLBE WHERE `blog_ID` = WAS;
UPDATE `evo_bloggroups` SET `bloggroup_blog_ID` = WILLBE WHERE `bloggroup_blog_ID` = WAS;
UPDATE `evo_blogusers` SET `bloguser_blog_ID` = WILLBE WHERE `bloguser_blog_ID` = WAS;
UPDATE `evo_categories` SET `cat_blog_ID` = WILLBE WHERE `cat_blog_ID` = WAS;
UPDATE `evo_coll_settings` SET `cset_coll_ID` = WILLBE WHERE `cset_coll_ID` = WAS;
UPDATE `evo_files` SET `file_root_ID` = WILLBE WHERE `file_root_ID` = WAS AND `file_root_type` = 'collection';
UPDATE `evo_hitlog` SET `hit_blog_ID` = WILLBE WHERE `hit_blog_ID` = WAS;
UPDATE `evo_widget` SET `wi_coll_ID` = WILLBE WHERE `wi_coll_ID` = WAS;
I've no doubt one could whip up some sql to automagically make all posts that have category N suddenly become category Y, but I never needed it so I didn't do it. For sure editing posts one by one and selecting a different category until category N is empty then deleting category N will get the same job done. Just gonna be slow if you got a lot of posts to work through.
6 edb Nov 16, 2009 15:09
Oops. Obviously the first and last two lines aren't code. Notes from me to me in my little text file of easy cheats :)
7 mochababy Nov 17, 2009 18:50
thank you EdB, I will backup and try today!
sam2kb, I might be a idiot today because I can't figure this out. Can you please explain to me a little more? I'm asking you to explain very slowly, my brain is prolly mush after all the code i've been looking at. Thanks again.
8 yabba Nov 17, 2009 21:25
sam2kb wrote:
Actually you [u]can[/u] move the posts, and after you done you can delete the category.
One by one huh? ;)
Used to be able to move a category to another parent, delete the category and move all posts up to parent ... dunno if that still works ;)
9 yabba Nov 17, 2009 21:29
mochababy wrote:
Now the blogs on the system are 1 and 9
I must have higher, deluded, aspirations ... I have a dozen blogs that range from blog 4 to 157 .... blogs 1 - 3 died a horrible death ages ago :P
10 mochababy Nov 18, 2009 04:47
That does not work anymore, but good try. I guess I'll just have to stay with the categories
11 yabba Nov 18, 2009 14:23
Guess you'll just have to brute force it :
$sql = 'UPDATE T_postcats SET postcat_cat_ID=/* new ID*/ WHERE postcat_cat_ID=/* old ID*/';
$DB->query( $sql );
$sql = 'UPDATE T_items__item SET post_main_cat_ID=/*new ID*/ WHERE post_main_cat_ID=/*old ID*/';
$sql = 'DELETE FROM T_categories WHERE cat_ID=/* old ID*/';
Don't forget to backup your db first huh? ;)
12 mochababy Nov 29, 2009 08:35
¥åßßå wrote:
Guess you'll just have to brute force it :
$sql = 'UPDATE T_postcats SET postcat_cat_ID=/* new ID*/ WHERE postcat_cat_ID=/* old ID*/'; $DB->query( $sql ); $sql = 'UPDATE T_items__item SET post_main_cat_ID=/*new ID*/ WHERE post_main_cat_ID=/*old ID*/'; $DB->query($sql); $sql = 'DELETE FROM T_categories WHERE cat_ID=/* old ID*/'; $DB->query($sql);
Don't forget to backup your db first huh? ;)
I tried this doing the raw mysql queries because I didn't know where I would place the coded and I still did not work. Don't know why. Where would I place such code by the way. Snippet of what I used:
UPDATE `evoblog_items__item` SET `post_main_cat_ID`='6' WHERE `post_main_cat_ID`='10';
UPDATE `evoblog_postcats` SET `postcat_cat_ID`='6' WHERE `postcat_cat_ID`='10';
DELETE FROM `evoblog_categories` WHERE `cat_ID`='10';
EDIT: i figured that it did work up to a point. It changed all the posts_main_cat_IDs but I don't know where to change the extra cat ID so it won't let me proceed to do anything else.
13 yabba Nov 29, 2009 09:05
The evoblog_postcats is the "extra cat ID" bit ... although it's a tad "untidy" ( you can end up with dupe extra cats )
14 mochababy Nov 29, 2009 09:19
I found a solution to my dilema. Thanks for the push in the right direction but I wasn't looking at the schema correctly.
I kept trying to find out why it was failing, took a look and saw the database would not execute because it would be a duplicate entry and because of that, then I realized it already had the maincat set so I didn't need to replace the nubers in the postcats table. It's already taken care of with the first statement so I don't need to do anything other than delete it from the other tables.
UPDATE `T_postcats` SET `postcat_cat_ID`='*newID*' WHERE `postcat_cat_ID`='*oldID*';
DELETE FROM `T_postcats` WHERE `postcat_cat_ID`='*oldID*';
DELETE FROM `T_categories` WHERE `cat_ID`='*oldID*';
*if you understand my garble that's a miracle but thank you and hopefully if anyone else looks for this info they will see it.
You can move posts between categories, just activate this setting in conf/_admin.php