Version: 2.4.6
So I'm trying to add some fields to the Expert editing mode, the code for which is only going to happen when a new post is created. I get how to add the field; I know it needs to look something like this:
function AdminDisplayItemFormFieldset( & $params )
$mynewfieldname = $this->get_class_id().'mynewfield';
$params['Form']->begin_fieldset( 'Additional Posting Options' );
$params['Form']->checkbox( $mynewfieldname,
T_('My New Field'),
T_('Check me.'));
$params['Form']->end_fieldset( 'Additional Posting Options' );
If I'm understanding the rest of the code and what I've read about the code correctly, I should be able to get the value of that check box after the form submits, in AdminBeforeItemEditCreate - only I cannot for the life of me figure out how.
Can anybody point me in the right direction, please?