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1 Dec 21, 2009 14:12    

My b2evolution Version: 3.3.x


i have a problem in the stable version 3.3 after upgrading to it
the problem that the menu dosen't appear right in Admin and in blog home

and this is how its look

plz i need help


2 Dec 21, 2009 14:20

It looks like part of the CSS is missing or not referenced properly. I don't have b2e in front of me right now, but I'm wondering whether the evobar has its own CSS file

3 Dec 21, 2009 16:27

OK home now and can look in more detail.

Have a look and see if you still have your basic.css file in /rsc/css and report back

4 Dec 21, 2009 20:51

this is is :

 * Obviously, this file no longer contains only basic styles.
 * It now also contains all sorts of base styles like the toolbar and debug for backward comaptibility with older skins... :/

@import url("basic_styles.css");	/* Import the REAL basic styles */

body {
	padding: 0;
	margin: 0;

 * Image styles

img {
img.icon {

img.flag {
	border:1px solid #000;
img.flagtop {
	border:1px solid #000;

div.single_image_zone {
	overflow: hidden;

div.multi_image_zone {
	overflow: hidden;
	background-color: #eee;
	border: 1px solid #ccc;

div.image_block {
	/* WARNING: this will screw out backoffice layout (fulltext edit screen) in firefox!
		overflow: hidden; */
	text-align: center;

/* We only float image_blocks when in multiple image zone */
div.multi_image_zone div.image_block
	margin: 1ex;
	float: left;

div.image_block img {
	margin: 1ex;

div.image_legend {
	font-size: 84%;
	color: #aaa;
	margin: 1ex;
.shrinkwrap {
	width: 1%;

.filename {

.block {
	margin: 1ex;
	white-space: nowrap;

a.selected {
	font-weight: bold;

 * Evo Toolbar
 * Note: there may be some properties that seem overkill but the fact is we need to override
 * any too general styles a skin may want to bring in for its own body/general display.
div#evo_toolbar {
	background-color: ThreeDFace;
	color: ButtonText;
	border-top: 1px solid ThreeDHighlight;
	border-bottom: 1px solid ThreeDShadow;
	text-align: left;
	margin: 0;
	/* font: menu; /* -- poorly supported */
	font-size: 11px;
	font-family: "Microsoft sans serif", sans-serif, Arial, Helvetica;

	position: fixed;
	z-index: 99;
	left: 0px;
	top: 0px;
	height: 21px;
	width:100%;		/* Safari Windows */
	-webkit-text-size-adjust: none; /* iPhone */

div.skin_wrapper_loggedin {
	margin-top: 22px;
	padding-top: 1px;

div#evo_toolbar .actions_left {
	padding: 1px 4px;
div#evo_toolbar .actions_right {
	padding: 1px 4px;
	float: right;

div#evo_toolbar img {
	position: relative;
	top: -2px;
	vertical-align: top; /* required in strict mode (where no 'align="top"' gets added to IMGs, FF3). Otherwise text next to the img wraps out of the evobar */

/* *** SuperFish *** */

.sf-menu, .sf-menu * {
	margin:			0;
	padding:		0;
	list-style:		none;
.sf-menu {
	line-height:	1.0;
.sf-menu ul {
	position:		absolute;
	top:			-999em;
	width:			25ex; /* left offset of submenus need to match (see below) */
.sf-menu ul li {
	width:			100%;
.sf-menu li:hover {
	visibility:		inherit; /* fixes IE7 'sticky bug' */
.sf-menu li {
	float:			left;
	position:		relative;
.sf-menu a {
	display:		block;
	position:		relative;
.sf-menu li:hover ul,
.sf-menu li.sfHover ul {
	left:			0;
	top:			19px; /* 2em / match top ul list item height including padding below */
	z-index:		99;
ul.sf-menu li:hover li ul,
ul.sf-menu li.sfHover li ul {
	top:			-999em;
ul.sf-menu li li:hover ul,
ul.sf-menu li li.sfHover ul {
	left:			25ex; /* match ul width */
	top:			0;
ul.sf-menu li li:hover li ul,
ul.sf-menu li li.sfHover li ul {
	top:			-999em;
ul.sf-menu li li li:hover ul,
ul.sf-menu li li li.sfHover ul {
	left:			25ex; /* match ul width */
	top:			0;

/*** DEMO SKIN ***/
.sf-menu {
	margin-bottom:	1em;
.sf-menu a {
	border: 1px solid ThreeDFace;
	background-color: ThreeDFace;
	padding: 		3px 1ex;  /* .5em need to macth global height above */
	color: ButtonText;
.sf-menu-right a {
	padding: 		3px 1ex 0px;  /* .5em need to macth global height above */
.sf-menu a, .sf-menu a:visited  { /* visited pseudo selector so IE6 applies text colour*/
	color:			ButtonText;
.sf-menu li {
	/* background:		#0ff; */
.sf-menu li ul {
.sf-menu li li {
	background:		ThreeDFace; /* IE6 */
.sf-menu li li a {
	padding: 6px 2ex;
	border: none;
	border-left: 1px solid ThreeDHighlight;
	border-right: 1px solid ThreeDShadow;
.sf-menu li li:first-child > a {
	border-top: 1px solid ThreeDHighlight;
.sf-menu li li:last-child > a {
	border-bottom: 1px solid ThreeDShadow;

.sf-menu li.separator {
	padding: 0;
	margin: 0;
	height: 10px;
	overflow: hidden;
.sf-menu li.separator a {
	padding: 4px 2px;
	margin: 0;
.sf-menu li.separator a:hover {
	background-color: ThreeDFace;
.sf-menu hr {
	height: 0px;
	display: block;
	padding: 0;
	margin: 0;
	border: none;
	border-top: 1px solid ThreeDShadow;
	border-bottom: 1px solid ThreeDHighlight;
	width: 100%;
.evo_toolbar_msie hr {
	position: relative;
	top: -6px;
	margin: 6px 0 0;
	height: 2px;

.sf-menu a.disabled,
.sf-menu a.disabled:hover {
	color: GrayText;

.sf-menu a.noborder {
	border: none;

.sf-menu li:hover, .sf-menu li.sfHover,
.sf-menu a:focus, .sf-menu a:hover, .sf-menu a:active {
	text-decoration: none;
	outline:		0;
	border-top-color: ThreeDHighlight;
	border-left-color: ThreeDHighlight;
	border-bottom-color: ThreeDShadow;
	border-right-color: ThreeDShadow;
	color: ButtonText;

.sf-menu li li:hover, .sf-menu li li.sfHover,
.sf-menu li li a:focus, .sf-menu li li a:hover, .sf-menu li li a:active {
	border: none;
	background-color: Highlight;
	color: HighlightText;
.sf-menu li li a:focus, .sf-menu li li a:hover, .sf-menu li li a:active {
	border-left: 1px solid ThreeDHighlight;
	border-right: 1px solid ThreeDShadow;
.sf-menu li li:first-child > a:focus, .sf-menu li li:first-child > a:hover, .sf-menu li li:first-child > a:active {
	border-top: 1px solid ThreeDHighlight;
.sf-menu li li:last-child > a:focus, .sf-menu li li:last-child > a:hover, .sf-menu li li:last-child > a:active {
	border-bottom: 1px solid ThreeDShadow;

/*** arrows **/
.sf-menu a.sf-with-ul {
	padding-right: 	2.25em;
	min-width:		1px; /* trigger IE7 hasLayout so spans position accurately */
.sf-sub-indicator {
	position:		absolute;
	display:		block;
	right:			.75em;
	top:			6px; /* IE6 only */
	width:			10px;
	height:			10px;
	text-indent: 	-999em;
	overflow:		hidden;
	background:		url('../img/superfish-arrows-ffffff.png') no-repeat -10px -100px; /* 8-bit indexed alpha png. IE6 gets solid image only */
a > .sf-sub-indicator {  /* give all except IE6 the correct values */
	top:			4px;
	background-position: 0 -100px; /* use translucent arrow for modern browsers*/
li li a > .sf-sub-indicator {  /* give all except IE6 the correct values */
	top:			6px;
/* apply hovers to modern browsers */
a:focus > .sf-sub-indicator,
a:hover > .sf-sub-indicator,
a:active > .sf-sub-indicator,
li:hover > a > .sf-sub-indicator,
li.sfHover > a > .sf-sub-indicator {
	background-position: -10px -100px; /* arrow hovers for modern browsers*/

/* point right for anchors in subs */
.sf-menu ul .sf-sub-indicator { background-position:  -10px 0; }
.sf-menu ul a > .sf-sub-indicator { background-position:  0 0; }
/* apply hovers to modern browsers */
.sf-menu ul a:focus > .sf-sub-indicator,
.sf-menu ul a:hover > .sf-sub-indicator,
.sf-menu ul a:active > .sf-sub-indicator,
.sf-menu ul li:hover > a > .sf-sub-indicator,
.sf-menu ul li.sfHover > a > .sf-sub-indicator {
	background-position: -10px 0; /* arrow hovers for modern browsers*/

/*** shadows for all but IE6 ***/
.sf-shadow ul {
	background:	url('../img/superfish-shadow.png') no-repeat bottom right;
	padding: 0 8px 9px 0;
	-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 17px;
	-moz-border-radius-topright: 17px;
	-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 17px;
	-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 17px;
.sf-shadow ul.sf-shadow-off {
	background: transparent;

 * Default Form styles

form {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
} /* thanks #mozilla */
form.inline {
	margin: 0px;
	display: inline;

fieldset.input {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	border: 0;


fieldset div.notes {
	margin: 0 0 1ex 3ex;

/* Used for action icons */
div.fieldset_icons {
	text-align: right;
span.fieldset_icons {

span.field_error {
	color: #f00;

textarea.field_error {
	border: 1px solid #d99;
span.checkbox_error {
	background: #fbf2ee;
	border: 1px solid #d99;
span.checkbox_error input.checkbox {

span.checkbox_surround {
	background: #fbf2ee;
	border: 1px solid #F825F1;
span.checkbox_surround input.checkbox {
	background: #fbf2ee;
span.checkbox_surround_init {
	padding : 1px;

/* fp> The following breaks the login screen and probably a lot more space constrained forms.

/* The following is a dirty fix. */
.field_required .label{
	background-image:  url("../icons/mandatory_star_small.gif");
	background-position: right top;
	background-repeat: no-repeat;

/* select.field_required, // TODO: dh: does not seem to work, at least in FF 1.5 (background image) and even looks ugly in IE; would need another way to mark it. */
textarea.field_required {
	background-image:  url("../icons/mandatory_star_small.gif");
	background-position: right center;
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
span.checkbox_required {
	border: 1px solid #d99;

textarea.large {
	width: 97%;
	margin-left: 0;
	margin-right: 0;

label.radiooption {
	margin-right: 1em;

/* Enhanced form */
.eform label {

/* 24/75% forms - Fast Forms */
.fform fieldset {
	border: 1px solid #ddd;
	margin: 0 0 1ex 0;
	background-color: #fff; /* dh> change to "transparent"? */
	padding: .5ex 1ex;

legend {
	font-weight: bold;
	color: #888;

.fform fieldset fieldset {
	border: none;
	margin: 1ex;
	padding: 0;
	/* border: 1px solid #00f; */
.fform fieldset.bordered {
	border: 1px solid #ddd;
.fform div.label {
	float: left;
	width: 24%;
	text-align: right;
	margin: 0;
	padding-top: .5ex;
	/* border: 1px solid #f00; */
.fform div.input {
	margin: 0 0 0 25%;
	/* border: 1px solid #f00; */
* html .fform div.input {
	height:1%; /* so IE6 gains layout (hasLayout) and does not cause 3px bug for lines below div.label (if div.input is heigher than div.label) */
	margin:0; /* fix the margin after the above fix */

.fform fieldset.input{
	margin: 0;
	/* border: 1px solid #0f0; */

.fform {
	margin: 0 0 0 25%;
	padding-top: .5ex;
	/* border: 1px solid #f00; */

/* hide checkbox in order to indent exactly the same size */
	visibility: hidden;

/* Browser specific */
body#body_mac.body_firefox input[type=text],
body#body_mac.body_firefox select,
body#body_mac.body_firefox textarea {
	border: 1px solid #999;

{{{ Messages
div.action_messages {
div.log_container ul,
div.action_messages ul,
div.log_container ol,
div.action_messages ol {
	list-style: square;
	margin:1ex 0;
div.log_container div,
div.action_messages div {
	border:1px solid #6287c2;
	margin:1ex auto;
div.log_container div.log_success,
div.action_messages div.log_success,
div.success {
	border:1px solid #9d9;
div.log_container div.log_error,
div.action_messages div.log_error,
div.error {
	border:1px solid #d99;

p.warning {
	color: #e00;
p.error {
	margin: 1ex;
/* }}} */

/* include errors, wrong params, deleted blog, etc... */
div.skin_error {
	border: 2px dotted #d99;
	padding: 1em;
	margin: 1em;

table.widget_grid {
	margin: 8px auto 1px;
table.widget_grid td {
	background-color: #ccc;
table.widget_grid td {
	padding: 0;

div.debug_container {
	border: 1px solid #f00;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
div.debug_container_name {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	background-color: #fdd;
	color: #f00;
	font-size: 7pt;
	text-align: left;
	font-weight: normal;
span.debug_container_action {
	float: right;

div.debug_widget {
	border: 1px solid #00f800;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
div.debug_widget_name {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	background-color: #efe;
	color: #00f800;
	font-size: 7pt;
	text-align: left;
	font-weight: normal;

 * Bottom of page Debug output formatting:
div.debug {
	border: 2px solid #000;
	padding: 1ex;
	background-color: #ccc;
	text-align: left;
	color: #000;

div.debug h2,
div.debug h3,
div.debug h4 {

div.debug code {
	font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
	font-size: 11px;

div.debug div.query_info {
	background-color: #fff;
	font-size: 12px;

div.debug table {
	border: 1px solid #000;
	font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
	margin: 1ex;
div.debug table,
div.debug th,
div.debug td {
div.debug th {
	background-color: #fff;
	border: 1px solid #000;
	padding: 2px;
div.debug th span.type {
	font-weight: normal;
	color: #999;
div.debug td {
	background-color: #ddd;
	border: 1px solid #000;
	padding: 2px;
div.debug td.odd {
	background-color: #eee;

what should i do ??

5 Dec 21, 2009 22:23

remove the evobar ?:d

7 Dec 22, 2009 08:41

Hum, this very much looked like all it needed was a shift-reload or control-reload of the page :)

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