1 pennylane Jan 04, 2010 23:37
3 pennylane Jan 04, 2010 23:51
If you scroll over the flower of the Pennylane Papers logo, you'll see the words "testing this". That's what I would like to remove. thanks!
4 antonlargiader Jan 05, 2010 00:02
OK, now I see what you mean. It's the ALT text for the logo link widget. You can see that in the header section of your widgets tab.
Here's the code:
<div class="widget_core_coll_logo"><h1><a href="http://www.pennylanepapersgiftbags.com/blog/blog5.php"><img src="http://www.pennylanepapersgiftbags.com/blog/media/blogs/blog/logo.png" alt="testing this" /></a></h1></div>
There must be some funky CSS to get the alt text to show up like that! Maybe you can replace that widget with a HTML box widget that does what you want without the ALT text.
5 pennylane Jan 05, 2010 00:45
yes, i saw that. for some reason the header is pulling in the text into the Title field under "General Parameters" in the back office of my blog. I'm hoping someone can tell me how to override that whether in the CSS file or elsewhere. Maybe I'll take a look to see if I can change the header to a widget; hopefully it's easy. thanks!
6 chris_of_arabia Jan 05, 2010 01:09
The easy way to remove it is to go into Blog Settings >> Widgets and click on the little red 'x' to the right of the 'Blog Title' widget in the header section. That will remove it very easily
7 pennylane Jan 05, 2010 01:22
I tried that earlier. The widget is no longer there, but it didn't remove it from the blog. Any other thoughts?
8 antonlargiader Jan 05, 2010 02:50
It's not the title, it's the logo. You can look in the source code and see where the widget_core_coll_logo div is created.
9 pennylane Jan 05, 2010 03:08
any idea what the file name would be?
10 antonlargiader Jan 05, 2010 04:00
Have you taken the logo widget out, if only to test it? Start there.
11 chris_of_arabia Jan 05, 2010 16:55
It seems to be gone now. Is it sorted?
12 pennylane Jan 05, 2010 17:01
Yes, i figured it out. I had to remove the logo widget completely and adjust the css file so my logo would appear in the header. Thanks for your help.
I don't follow. It appears in the browser title but I didn't see it anywhere else.
It sounds like the kind of thing you can remove in the Widgets control panel, but not seeing it I can't be sure that's what you mean.